中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 20 Day 5

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 20 Day 5

Weekly topic

What’s your New Year’s resolution?


Helen: Thomas, if you designed a new robot, what kind of robot would you make?

Thomas: I would make a big, strong robot that could carry me around. It could bring me to school and take me to other places.

Helen: Like a robot horse?

Thomas: No! I would want to sit inside of it if the weather is bad. And I would want it to be human-shaped. Then, it can walk up and down mountains and things like that. I could go anywhere.

Helen: Cool! Okay. I would design a robot that designs other robots. I would want it to be a robot-creating robot.

Thomas: What do you mean?

Helen: First, I would tell the robot what I want to do. Next, it would make another robot that could do that.

Thomas: What kinds of things would the robots do?

Helen: Like… my homework!

Thomas: That’s brilliant!

Fuku’s opinion

今回から吹き出し部分は、Fuku Suzuki です。

So, Fuku, what kind of robot would you like to design?


I would design a robot that could perfect robot.

A perfect robot! You can say, “I would design a perfect robot.”


I would design a perfect robot.

Sounds cool. Please tell me more.


It could take me to other place.

Take you to other ?


Yes. Take me to other places. And if I want something, it would make it.

Ah, so if you want something, your robot would make it.



Oh,. For example, what kind of things?


For example, robots and food and house. And many something.

Uh, many things.


Many things, yes.

Okay. So, your robot would make anything that you want?



Okay. So, you can use this sentence. Try saying this. “I would design a robot that would make anything I want.”


I would design a robot that would make anything I want. And that would do my housework.

Oh, that would do your housework?


Yes. All perfect robot.

Ah,so, your robot is a perfect robot.



Great. I’m sure Vinay and Ananda will think your robot is very cool. So, enjoy chatting with them!


Thank you.

It’s your turn!



wouldn’t look a lot like a human face  そんなに人間の顔に似ていないかもしれない
simplified  単純化された、簡素な
familiar  見(聞き)慣れている
rule  統治する
an advice-giving robot  助言を行うロボット
a world where all of these robots exist  それら全てのロボットが存在する世界
offer  申し出る、提供する

tora taro