Categories: 基礎英語3 2018

基礎英語3 Lesson 092 英訳練習 They’re too similar


They’re too similar

基礎英語3 Lesson 092 のテキストを英訳してみましょう。文章をクリックすると英文例が表示されます。

I wonder if Mom and Grandma will ever make up with each other. It’s been five years.

I don’t it. It’s very difficult situation between them.

How so?

Three things. First, they have different ideas about how to run the ryokan. Second, both Grandma and Mom think thy’re right. Third, neither of them likes to apologize. This is the biggest problem. They’re too similar.

What does Dad think of this?

You should ask him. But Sho, please leave me out of it. Anyway, I’ll get started on the website. Give me some time to think of the design, OK? Bye.

先週の復習 言えるかな?

I own a ryokan, and it’s quite old. How do I get more customers without spending money on it?

How about updating your website? Nowadays, most people choose where to stay by looking up places online.

tora taro

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tora taro