基礎英語3 September 第4週の復習 英訳練習



Hi, Boon. How are you?
Oh, hi, RoboCorpus. Not so good. I’m afraid I can’t compete in the national contest.
Why not?
I can’t concentrate. I feel too nervous to keep practicing.
Oh, I can see N marks on his shoulders. That’s the sign of the Negatives.
How can we help him?
Boon needs to hear positive words.
I have an idea. I’ll choose a word, and RoboCorpus will search for a quote.
How can I help?
This time, you can just watch.
Oh, come on! I want to investigate dark forces like Sherlock Holmes.


OK, RoboCorpus. The keyword is “will.
Got it! Hi, Boon. I want to share this quote with you.
Our bodies are gardens. Our wills are gardeners.
What does that mean?
I think that’s too difficult.
Use your own words, not a quote.
Boon, you’re trying your best. You said you had no hobbies, but now look. You love reading and learning English words.
RoboCorpus. You’re right.
The N marks are disappearing!
I wanted to change, and I did! Thank you, RoboCorpus! I’ll do the contest!


It’s great that Boon cheered up again!
Sylphie gave her powers to RoboCorpus when he spoke to Boon.
Hi, guys. Boon is OK now. The N marks are gone. But we need to leave here as soon as possible. The Negatives will attack Boon again if we stay.
Are they going to attack us?
I think they are only interested in humans whose minds are weak.
RoboCorpus is helping Boon with his practice now. We have to tell him to leave here afterwards.
I have to say goodbye to Ms. Saito. She’s taken good care of me. And farewell to all these old dictionaries.


Look! There’s the town hall. We can get information there.
Do they know where RoboCorpus is?
I don’t know. I heard he was with an English teacher.
I hope we can find out more about the teacher.
It was sad to say goodbye.
Yeah. Ms. Saito cried.
What’s beeping?
Ken, my master, is nearby. They came to find me.
They’re looking for you, RoboCorpus! What are you going to do?
You can go back home, if you wish.
Now’s not the right time. though I want to see Yukichi Jukich again.

Have You Ever Seen the Rain? – Creedence Clearwater Revival (with lyrics)

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