基礎英語3 November 第2週の復習 英訳練習



So, Kozo wants to become a rakugo-ka, but he cannot tell his parents about it.
I see.
Sylphie! That’s what I was going to find out! Don’t steal my job!
Sorry, RoboCorpus asked me.
But I don’t understand. Why won’t Kozo tell the truth?
Because his wish is not the same as his parents’. He doesn’t want to disappoint them.
Kozo is a very smart boy, but he’s not happy about his future, I guess.
Humans sometimes sacrifice themselves to make others happy. But in my opinion, that makes the situation even more complicated.
I wonder if there is any way to make both of them happy.


Hi, Kozo. How are you?
Oh, hi, Robo. Why are you here?
I want to see your rakugo performance.
I’m still practicing.
You can practice in front of me. Look, my friends are also listening.
What? A turtle? And a dictionary? Are you kidding? Well, I guess it’s OK. Let’s do it.
Thanks, Rob. It was good for me to practice, but I have to go now. Bye.
What do you think?
He is still young, but I think he is very talented.
I didn’t understand the main point of the story very well….
Come on, RoboCorpus. You should have laughed more!


I think you have improved your rakugo a lot, Kozo. By the way, I have an idea.
What is it?
Why don’t you show your rakugo to your parents?
What? What are you talking about?
Here’s quote from my corpus.
Honesty is more than just not lying. It is speaking the truth, living the truth, and loving the truth.
RoboCorpus…. I think you’re right. But I’ve never talked with my parents about rakugo. How can I show them?
Leave it to me. Take care, Kozo. Bye.
RoboCorpus! Are you sure about this?


How can we show Kozo’s rakugo to his parents?
There is no rakugo club at his school, so he can’t perform there.
How about bringing his parents to the park?
To the park? You mean Kozo is going to perform in the park?
That’s what he always does.
I think that’s a good idea.
If it’s in the park, we won’t have to prepare anything special.
OK, let’s do it. But how can we bring his parents there?
I will ask Kozo for his opinion.
OK. But remember, watch out for the Negatives. I have a feeling they’re going to come back soon.

「素直になれなくて」(Hard to Say I’m Sorry)【訳詞付】- Chicago

tora taro