基礎英語3 November 第1週の復習 英訳練習



We have a serious problem.
What kind of problem, boss?
Sylphie is now much stronger than used to be.
Don’t you understand? It’s because of that robot.
Ah, that robot with the short legs. He doesn’t look that strong.
He doesn’t, but don’t you remember? Our N marks on that girl disappeared when he showed her some words.
I wonder how he did that.
We need to find out.
It’s getting cold these days. I want to go home.
No way. If we can’t capture Sylphie, we will go to prison!
Oh, no! What should we do?
Maybe we should take that robot away from Sylphie. Let’s get them one by one.


It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
Yes, the autumn colors are beautiful.
I will have to find a place to sleep during the winter soon.
Hey, look. There is a boy in the park over there.
He is talking to himself.
Let’s find out more. Hide in the bushes.
What is he doing?
It’s rakugo.
He’s practicing rakugo.
Rakugo…. it’s difficult to translate into English. What is it?
It’s a classical from of comic storytelling.
I’ve seen it before. One person sits on a cushion on stage and plays various roles in story.
Interesting. I want to know why humans perform that.
Hey, RoboCorpus! Wait!


Excuse me. Can I ask a question?
Whoa! Who are you?
My name is RoboCorpus.
RoboCorpus? Strange name. I’m Kozo. What’s your question?
What are you practicing here?
Oh, you were watching me…. It’s rakugo
Why do you practice rakugo?
I don’t know…. Maybe I like making people laugh.
Do you want to be a comedian in the future?
No, not a comedian, a rakugo-ka. But it’s impossible.
Oh, it’s time to go to prep school. Nice talking to you. Bye!
RoboCorpus! You did it again!
You always meet someone with a secret, and I’m the one who has to figure it out….


Hi, Mom.
Hi, Kozo. How was school?
Fine. I got perfect scores on my math and English tests.
That’s great, Kozo! You have to complete with top-level students all over Japan.
Yes, I know.
Your father wants you to enter the best university. That’s the first step to success.
Yes, Mom. I’ll do my best.
OK. I’ll make you dinner, so finish your homework for prep school.
OK. I know this is not what I want to do, but there’s nothing I can do about it….
I see…. it seems like he’s in a complicated situation.

For the peace of all mankind(落葉のコンチェルト) 【訳詞付】- Albert Hammond

tora taro