Categories: 基礎英語3

基礎英語3 Lesson 021 I’ve been so worried about you

Lesson 021 I’ve been so worried about you


I’ve been so worried about you

Lex: Hey, RoboCorpus! I’ve been so worried about you.

RoboCorpus: I’m OK, Lex. I was with that girl till it got dark.

Lex: Did you find out anything about her?

RoboCorpus: Yes. I know her name now. It’s Hanako.

Lex: Is that all?

RoboCorpus: Yes. She didn’t tell me her secret. Maybe her name was the secret.

Lex: Give me a break, RoboCorpus! That can’t be true.

RoboCorpus: She was sad because the flowers did not bloom.

Lex: See? Her secret is about the flowers.

RoboCorpus: What will happen when the flowers bloom?

Lex: It’s a mystery, RoboCorpus. Please take me with you tomorrow. I’ll find out.

Words & Phrases

worried  心配して
till …  ・・・まで
get dark  暗くなる
Is that all?  それだけ?
Give me a break.  いい加減にしろ。もう勘弁してよ。
can’t be true  本当のわけがない。
mystery   謎



Hey, RoboCorpus! I’ve been so worried about you.
I’m OK, Lex. I was with that girl till it got dark.
Did you find out anything about her?
Yes. I know her name now. It’s Hanako.
Is that all?
Yes. She didn’t tell me her secret. Maybe her name was the secret.
Give me a break, RoboCorpus! That can’t be true.
She was sad because the flowers did not bloom.
See? Her secret is about the flowers.
What will happen when the flowers bloom?
It’s a mystery, RoboCorpus. Please take me with you tomorrow. I’ll find out.

Comprehension Check

Her name.
Because the flowers did not bloom.

Step Up Points

CAN-DO Chunk I’ve been so worried …(・・・をずっと心配している)

I’ve been so worried about you.


I’m sorry.


I was worried about you.


I’ve been worried about you.


I have been interested in Chinese.
be 動詞以外に、know、live、want といった一般動詞も「状態の継続」を表現する際によく使われます。
I have long known Ben.
Sherry has wanted to visit Hawaii.

CAN-DO Chunk Practice

I’ve been worried about my presentation.
I’ve been worried about the weather.
tora taro