基礎英語3 June 第4週の復習 英訳練習


6月最終週の基礎英語の no matter how …(どんなに・・・でも)の表現は自分は凄く苦手な表現です。約4年ほど前からラジオ放送で英語学習をしていますが、こういう表現は習ってきているはずなのにほとんど記憶にありません。つまりまったく身についていないんですね。でも、不思議とこうやって文字にして体験を書くとこの表現は「ブログで書いた」記憶とともに多分残るんですよね。だから苦手な表現としてここに書いておきます(^^;
Let’s study English no matter how busy we are.



Hey! Look at my car! This is the latest electronic car, and you just ruined it!
Not many people can fix it, I’m afraid….
Look, it’s him!
What’s going on? Akane, what happened?
RoboCorpus crashed into the car! The car broke down!
Please. Repair the car…. I’m sorry….
You did this for me…. Could you move the car to my garage?
I don’t think you can repair this.
It’s just a machine. As long as it’s a machine, I can fix it. Let’s see….


OK, I’m done.
Wow, this is incredible! You’re a super repairman! I will share your work on social media. Thank you!
Great job, Dad! I’m proud of you.
Thank you, sir. Here’s a quote from my corpus data.
There is always a way to fix something, no matter how broken it looks at first glance.
Yeah… you’re right. I am a repairman. I need to fix my life and start my engine again.
I’m home! What’s up? You all look happy!! And why are you all dirty, RoboCorpus?


Look at the repair shop! There are so many people!
They have come from everywhere to bring their cars for repair.
RoboCorpus looks busy interpreting for foreign customers.
OK, next please!
Thanks for everything, RoboCorpus.
You’ve very welcome, sir.
Your father seems to be back, Akane.
Yes, I think so, too. I’m happy. Dad looks happy.
We have to thank RoboCorpus.
You’re right. I hope he stays with us for a while….
Well, what do you think?
I think we should tell him it’s time to go….


I miss RoboCorpus. I thought he was going to stay longer.
Well, he has own plans, so there’s nothing we can do about it.
Let’s just hope we an meet again.
Excuse me.
Hello, can I help you with something?
I’m Fukushima Ken. I’m looking for my robot. This is his picture.
Is he here?
No. He wrote a message and left. That was two days ago.
Do you know where he went?
No… but he said he was going north.
His final location was this place , so I’m here. But he’s turned off his GPS again.
RoboCorpus! Where are you!?

Eagles – Hotel California (with lyrics)

tora taro