基礎英語3 July 第3週の復習 英訳練習


河野外務大臣が韓国の大使に「無礼だ」と言ったニュースを聞き、「無礼だ」って英語でなんて言うんだろう、と考えていました。自分らの世界では「無礼だ」なんて言葉は使わないので、他になんと言い換えるのかを考えると「君は失礼だ」が適当かな、とすると「You are rude.」でいいのかな、と・・・・。
自分がこんなフレーズを言うことは多分ないと思いますが、万が一にも「You are rude.」って言われて意味が分からず曖昧な苦笑いをすることは避けたいと思います(^^;



Hello. Boon.
Oh… Robo…. Why are you here?
I’m here because I want you to participate in the vocabulary contest.
I don’t know…. I hate competition.
I will help you. Also, I will learn how you run, and participate in this town’s sports day.
You? Running on sports day? You’re joking, right?
I’m serious. Let’s try our best.
I don’t think a robot like you can run fast.
Here’s a quote from my corpus.
Don not fear failure but rather fear not trying.
Hmm…. I think you’re right, Robo.


Lex, look! Am I running?
No. You’re walking.
I am trying to move faster, but I can’t.
It’s impossible for machines to run like humans, RoboCorpus.
How do you know it’s impossible?
Because we’re machines! We don’t eat. We don’t sleep. We don’t run!
Cars and trains can run faster than humans.
Because they are machines which are designed for that purpose!
Hey, you two! Come back. Boon is here.
Oh, hi, Boon. What’s up?
Ms. Saito, I think I’ll take part in the vocabulary contest. I have no confidence, but at least I should try.
Wow, great!


Boon, read the English word, then tell me its meaning in Japanese, OK?
RoboCorpus, are you ready?
Yes, ma’am. “Vegetable.”
Correct. Next.
Um…. I don’t know.
It’s kyabetsu.
There are many katakana loanwords which come from English. But some words like “cabbage “ have different pronunciations.
Thanks, Ms. Saito. Now I can remember “cabbage.”
Good. RoboCorpus, help him practice 50 words a day. Boon, when you memorize words, use all four language skills. Listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
Impressive. She’s a great teacher.


It’s been a long day. I need to charge my batteries.
Me, too. Goodnight.
Oh, it’s so peaceful. I feel great with all these old dictionaries.
Please open this book. Let me out.
Did you say something, RoboCorpus?
No, not me….
Please open this book.
There is someone hiding in the books.
Take the red book from the bottom shelf. It’s in the left-hand corner.
Oh, this must be it.
Thank you all. Now I’m free!
Who are you?

We Are the World (with lyrics)

tora taro