基礎英語3 July 第1週の復習 英訳練習


基礎英語3の今月号のテキストに英語の回文が載っています。回文とは上から読んでも下から読んでも同じになる文章のことですが、載っているのはもちろん英語の回文です。今月の英語回文は「Rise to vote, sir!(投票のために立ち上がってください!)」です。日本全国現在は参議院選挙中で、選挙カーが賑やかですが、今の状況にぴったりの回文ですね。良くできた回文です。でも英語の回文なんて考えられるほど英語が達者なら楽しそうです。ついでにテキストにはおまけに今月の日本語回文も載っています。「腐りきったこたつ切り裂く」。こんな状況あり得ない、そんな回文ですね。シュール系だから・・・なんて書かれています。日本語の回文の定番といえば「新聞紙」なんて有名ですが、「宇津井健氏の神経痛」なんてのも覚えています(^^;



It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
Yes. It’s been pretty hot lately.
I want to take a nap in the sun on days like this.
Look! Some boys are running. They’re coming toward us.
Let’s hide behind that tree.
There is a boy who is running very slowly.
He cannot keep up with the rest.
I can’t run anymore…. Why am I always so slow? I don’t like P.E. I hate it.
What is P.E.?


It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
P.E.: physical education. A sport and physical activity which is taugh as a school subject.
Look. He looks really tired, but he’s running again.
Why do humans do that?
They like competition.
There is an event. They call it “sports day.”
Students have competitions at school and parents watch.
Not all students like it.
I wouldn’t, either, because I cannot run fast.
Humans need to exercise.
Well, that is a big difference between living creatures and machines. If we don’t exercise, we will become very weak.


Hey, Boon! Hurry!
I can’t run anymore. You can leave me here.
OK. Let’s go!
I’m always like this. I’m no good at sports. I don’t even have any hobbies.
Hi, Boon. What are doing here?
Oh, hello, Ms. Saito. I was just running in P.E. Class.
I see. Everybody else has already left.
Yeah…. I don’t like P.E.
You must have something that you like. You will find it in good time.


Many students are coming outside.
They’re going home. Let’s hide in the bushes.
Where’s Jukichi? Oh, I forgot to bring him with me!
Look! That boy found him!
Wow, a turtle!
Eww. A turtle! Don’t touch it, Boon!
It’s OK. Hi, where did you come from?
Hi, Boon.
Hi, Ms. Saito.
What are you doing here? Oh, a turtle?
I found it here.
Well, it will be run over by a car here. Let’s take it to my house.
OK. Can I come with you?
Look, RoboCorpus. They took Jukichi! We must follow them.

I Just called to say I love you Stevie Wonder (with lyrics)

tora taro