ラジオ英会話 Lesson 221 文系① 他動型

Lesson 221 文系① 他動型


今月は今までの語順学習の要点を復習し、英会話能力に直結する英語観を身につけることが目標。そして今週は配置の基本となる、文型についてです。まずは Lesson 13 でも学習した「他動型」です。

Today’s dialog


Mika: What were you doing yesterday morning?

Joey: Nothing special. Why?

Mika: I saw you with a pretty girl in a cafe near Central Park.

Joey: Wait, don’t misunderstand me. I can explain everything.

Mika: So…?

Joey: OK. The girl’s name is Lucy, and she is an old classmate from high school. I bumped into her in the park.

Mika: I wonder what made you two go into the cafe together. In your place, I wouldn’t have gone.

Joey: Well, she asked me if I had some free time.

Mika: And you spend a lot of time in there, didn’t you?

Joey: Well, we had a lot to catch up on.

Mika: Maybe I will see some old boyfriend, too.

Joey: Huh?



What were you doing yesterday morning?

Nothing special. Why?

I saw you with a pretty girl in a cafe near Central Park.

Wait, don’t misunderstand me. I can explain everything.


OK. The girl’s name is Lucy, and she is an old classmate from high school. I bumped into her in the park.

I wonder what made you two go into the cafe together. In your place, I wouldn’t have gone.

Well, she asked me if I had some free time.

And you spend a lot of time in there, didn’t you?

Well, we had a lot to catch up on.

Maybe I will see some old boyfriend, too.



misunderstand  ~を誤解する
bump into …  ~に偶然出会う

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~

In your place, I wouldn’t have gone.

In your place は仮定法の合図。「私があなただったら」は実際に起こらない反事実的想定です。wouldn’t have(しなかっただろうなぁ)と過去について結びます。

We had a lot to catch up on.

catch up on は「近況報告をする」。a lot は「たくさんのこと」。名詞を to 不定詞で説明、展開しています。


I can explain everything.

他動型は「動詞+目的語(名詞)」の形。この文では explain の後ろに名詞 everything(全部)が1つあり、他動型となります。他動型は「動詞による働きかけが目的語(対象)に及ぶ」を意味する形。



Can you explain the secret of your success?

explain のとる形・他動型をしっかりと意識しましょう。the secret of your success は the secret と言い切り、of 以下で説明する感触です。of に「~の」という日本語訳を思い出さないように。思い出した途端、語順が逆転してしまうからです。

My brother married his childhood sweetheart.

marry「~と結婚する」を(X)marry with としないようにしましょう。marry は get と同じような感覚で使われる動詞。対象に働きかける動詞なのです。

I need to discuss a series matter with you.

discuss(~について話し合う)は、(X)discuss about とは使いません。この単語はトピックに対して参加者がアタック(攻撃)を仕掛ける意識で使われているのです。よって他動型となります。


We discussed the business plan for next year yesterday.
tora taro