ラジオ英会話 Lesson 217 it の強調構文

Lesson 217 it の強調構文


今回は it を使って文の一部に強い光を与え強調する方法を学びます。

Today’s dialog


Liz: I have to tell you that I’m really disappointed in you, Bob.

Bob: Eh? Why’s that?

Liz: Because last Saturday’s conference was a complete fiasco. The room was too small, the audio-visual equipment didn’t work properly, the air-conditioning…

Bob: Hang on a minute! It was Andy that organized the conference. Not me.

Liz: But it was your idea to hold the conference in the first place.

Bob: That’s right. But I had nothing to do with handling all the practical details, like booking a venue and checking equipment. All that was Andy’s responsibility.

Liz: Well, you’d better take a more hands-on approach in the future, OK?



I have to tell you that I’m really disappointed in you, Bob.

Eh? Why’s that?

Because last Saturday’s conference was a complete fiasco. The room was too small, the audio-visual equipment didn’t work properly, the air-conditioning…

Hang on a minute! It was Andy that organized the conference. Not me.

But it was your idea to hold the conference in the first place.

That’s right. But I had nothing to do with handling all the practical details, like booking a venue and checking equipment. All that was Andy’s responsibility.

Well, you’d better take a more hands-on approach in the future, OK?


fiasco  大失敗
audio-visual equipment  視聴覚機器
organize  計画する、準備する
have nothing to do with …  ~とは全く関係ない
venue  会場
hands-on  人任せにしない

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~

I have to tell you that I’m really disappointed in you.

tell you を that 以下の節で展開したリポート文。disappoint は「がっかりさせる」。主語(I)の感情を表す文であるため、過去分詞形(がっかりさせられる=がっかりして)を使います。

It was your idea to hold the conference in the first place.

it … to~ です。とにかく It was your idea と言い切ってしまうことが肝心。it の説明はその後 to 不定詞でゆっくりと展開。in the first place は「そもそも・元はといえば」。いらだちを表すことができる表現です。


It was Andy that organized the conference.

この文では Andy に強調が与えられています。it を使って「アンディだったんだよ」と始める―そこにこの強調の源泉があります。この形は通常の文 Andy organized the conference. から Andy を引っ張り出したと考えると理解しやすいでしょう。
まず Andy を引っ張りだして It was Andy(アンディだったんだよ)。that 以下で「会議を準備したのは、ね」と説明を加えています(この場合後続の節の空所が「人」になるため who も可能です)。

Ken broke the window yesterday.(昨日ケンはその窓を壊した)を使ってみましょう。

It was Ken that broke the window yesterday.

It was window that Ken broke yesterday.

It was yesterday that Ken broke the window.

強調したい要素を it で引っ張り出して that で展開。それでこの形が作れます。


it を使った強調の練習です。次の文の各部を強調してみましょう。

My sister won the badminton tournament last Saturday.

It was my sister that won the badminton tournament last Saturday.

my sister を it was で前に引っ張り出します。まず「私の妹だったんだ」で文を始めるのがコツです。

It was the badminton tournament that my sister won last Saturday.

the badminton tournament を前に出します。

It was last Saturday that my sister won the badminton tournament.

last Saturday を引っ張り出します。


It was Emily’s brother that I saw at the ballpark last Friday.
tora taro