ラジオ英会話 Lesson 192 前置詞を前に出してフォーマル

Lesson 192 前置詞を前に出してフォーマル



Today’s dialog


Brian: Hi, Sis! Congratulations on the birth of your new little one! You must be thrilled!

Cheryl: Absolutely! Thanks for coming to see me, Brian.

Brian: Hey, what are little brothers for? So let me have a good look at the little monster. Oh, so cute! It must take after its father!

Cheryl: Oh, come on. Get outta here!

Brian: Ha ha! But seriously, you know what I find really cool?

Cheryl: No, what?

Brian: This is the hospital in which we were both born.

Cheryl: Yeah, that is pretty cool, isn’t it? And the next baby Will be yours.

Brian: Whoa! I have to find Ms. Right first.



Hi, Sis! Congratulations on the birth of your new little one! You must be thrilled!

Absolutely! Thanks for coming to see me, Brian.

Hey, what are little brothers for? So let me have a good look at the little monster. Oh, so cute! It must take after its father!

Oh, come on. Get outta here!

Ha ha! But seriously, you know what I find really cool?

No, what?

This is the hospital in which we were both born.

Yeah, that is pretty cool, isn’t it? And the next baby Will be yours.

Whoa! I have to find Ms. Right first.


little one 子ども
absolutely その通り、もちろん
get outta here 外に出る
take after ~に似ている
Ms. Right 将来の妻

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~

You must be thrilled!

人を説明するときには thrilled(わくわくして)。thrill は「わくわくさせる」。過去分詞形で「わくわくさせられて→わくわくして」となるのでしたね。

Let me have a good look at the little monster.

let を使った目的語説明型。「me = have a good look at …」を許す、です。have a good look at … は「~をよく見る」。まとめて覚えましょう。


This is the hospital in which we were both born.

in which と関係代名詞の前に前置詞が置かれていることに注意しましょう。気軽に使える次の形にひと手間加わった形です。
This is the hospital which we were both born in.

the hospital と in の後ろの空所が組み合わされ「僕たち2人ともが生まれた病院」。ここから、文末にフラフラ残っている前置詞を which の前に送り込むとキーセンテンスとなります。この形を整えるひと手間が、この文にフォーマルな印象を与えています。


The lawyer to whom I spoke earlier was very helpful.

前置詞を前に出した場合 whom しか使うことができません。前置詞の「目的語」であることが強く意識されるからです。


「前置詞 + 関係代名詞」を練習しましょう。フォーマルな感触を大切に。

Is this the document to which you were referring?

refer to は「~に言及する・触れる」。which you were referring to からひと手間かけて to which you were referring となっています。

These are the people with whom I shared this information.

share は「共有する」。shared this information with からひと手間かけて with whom I shared this information。

The situation in which we found ourselves was extremely dangerous.

find oneself … は「気がつくと~となっていた」というニュアンスのフレーズ。which we found ourselves in からひと手間かけて、 in which we found ourselves。


The officer to whom I handed my passport smiled me.
tora taro