ラジオ英会話 Lesson 151 受動態⑦ 伝達系・思考系の受動態

Lesson 151 受動態⑦ 伝達系・思考系の受動態



Today’s dialog


Jessica: Professor Peacock! How was your trip to Egypt?

Peacock: It was absolutely fantastic. I also traveled to the city of Jericho.

Jessica: Oh, Jericho! It’s mentioned in the Bible. I didn’t know that it still existed.

Peacock: Yes, Jericho is said to be the oldest city in the world. The history of the place goes back at least 11,000 years.

Jessica: Wow, I had no idea! Did you take lots of pictures?

Peacock: Yes, I think I have enough photos and material for my next book.

Jessica: I’m really looking forward to reading it, Professor. You’re such a great writer.

Peacock: Well, thank you very much, Jessica. I’ll try not to disappoint you.



Professor Peacock! How was your trip to Egypt?

It was absolutely fantastic. I also traveled to the city of Jericho.

Oh, Jericho! It’s mentioned in the Bible. I didn’t know that it still existed.

Yes, Jericho is said to be the oldest city in the world. The history of the place goes back at least 11,000 years.

Wow, I had no idea! Did you take lots of pictures?

Yes, I think I have enough photos and material for my next book.

I’m really looking forward to reading it, Professor. You’re such a great writer.

Well, thank you very much, Jessica. I’ll try not to disappoint you.


absolutely  すっかり、まったく
mention  ~について言及する
exist  現存する
go back  戻る、(時を)さかのぼる
material  素材・材料
disappoint  失望させる、がっかりさせる

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~

It’s mentioned in the Bible.

mention は「手短に話題に触れる」。その受動態です。


Jericho is said to be the oldest city in the world.

受動態 is said(言われている)の内容を to 不定詞で展開されています。「言われている」「思われている・考えられている」など、伝達系・思考系動詞では非常にポピュラーな受動態の形ですが、この形は「そのまま」作り出せるようにする必要があります。これまで「受動態は、能動態の目的語を主語として抜き出した形」と述べてきましたが、この種の文には対応する能動態(×)say Jericho to be the oldest city in the world が存在しないことがあるためです。

The refugees are reported to be in good health.


The Beatles are thought to be one of the best bands of all time.


The program is expected to be bak on air next spring.



Nino’s is said to be the best Italian restaurant in town.

is said to …で「~と言われている」。最上級 the best と範囲を示す in town のコンビネーション。最上級には「どの範囲で」がしばしば述べられます。

Cave paintings discovered in Indonesia are thought to be the oldest in the world.

cave paintings を過去分詞 discovered(発見された)以下のパッケージが修飾しています。are thought to … で「~であると思われている」。

The painting that was believed to be a genuine Picasso turned out to be a fake.

was believed to … で「~であると信じられていた」。turn out は「明らかになる」。


Our saccer team is expected to win the final.

tora taro