ラジオ英会話 Lesson 148 受動態⑤ 目的説明型の受動態

Lesson 148 受動態⑤ 目的説明型の受動態



Today’s dialog


Inspector: Hello, I am Inspector Jones. You are the owner of the art gallery?

Ms. Marlow: Yes, Inspector. My name is Kate Marlow.

Inspector: Ms. Marlow, can you tell me what happened this morning?

Ms. Marlow: Yes. I am the first person to enter the gallery every morning. When I turned on the lights, I immediately saw that the Picaso painting by the door was gone.

Inspector: Who was the last person to leave the gallery?

Ms. Marlow: I thought it was me, but on the security camera recording, Emma, one of my assistants, is seen entering the room minutes after Ileft. But then the sreen suddenly goes blank.

Inspector: I see.



Hello, I am Inspector Jones. You are the owner of the art gallery?

Yes, Inspector. My name is Kate Marlow.

Ms. Marlow, can you tell me what happened this morning?

Yes. I am the first person to enter the gallery every morning. When I turned on the lights, I immediately saw that the Picaso painting by the door was gone.

Who was the last person to leave the gallery?

I thought it was me, but on the security camera recording, Emma, one of my assistants, is seen entering the room minutes after Ileft. But then the sreen suddenly goes blank.

I see.


inspector  警視
art gallery  アートギャラリー、画廊
security camera  監視(防犯)カメラ
go blank  真っ白になる、空っぽになる

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~

But then the screen suddenly goes blank.

文全体はオーバーラッピングの形。blank は「何も書かれていない・何も映っていない・空の」。go は「ある場所から別の場所への移動」を表す動詞。そこから「変化(~になる)」の意味を生じます。


Emma, one of my assistants, is seen entering the room.

Emma とそれを紹介する同格 one of my assistants から始まるこの文、ポイントは is seen entering the room(部屋に入ってくるところを見られた)です。
この形も目的語説明型の基本形(ここでは説明語句として動詞 -ing 形が使われているわけですが)―see Emma entering the room(エマが部屋に入ってくるところを見る)を意識すれば作ることができます。
目的語の Emma を主語として抜き出し、「be+過去分詞」にすればいいのです。

( )内の基本形を意識して、目的語を主語に置くことを心がければ簡単に作れます。
The guy was called “Danger.”

The wall is painted red.

I was asked to make a speech at my ex-student’s wedding.

The kids were made to pay for the broken window.


The young woman was seen shoplifting.

saw the young women shoplifting を作ることが出来る人ならすぐに作れます。目的語を主語として抜き出しだけです。

We were advised to see a specialist.

advised us to see a specialist といった基本形が分かっていればあとは目的語を主語として抜き出し、ware sdvised to … で説明するだけです。

We were made to wait over 3 hours at the hospital.

使役構文では made us wait … と動詞原型を使いますが、受動態では to 不定詞となります。We were made to … を口癖にすれば間違えることはありません。


Christopher is called Chris by his friends.

tora taro