ラジオ英会話 Lesson 112 as ~ as…③ 英訳練習


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 112 のテキストを英訳してみましょう。文章をクリックすると英文例が表示されます。

We have to decide the new captain of our tennis team. I was thinking about Ken. He’s the best player we’ve got, right?

Well, Ken is definitely a good player, but I prefer Tom.


Well, Tom is just as good a player as Ken. And, on top of that, he’s a born leader. Ken is no more a leader than my pet hamster!

Umm … You’re probably right. OK, let’s choose Tom. By the way, did you hear that Ken has bought a really expensive racket?

Yes, but his racket is not as expensive as mine. Take a look at this beauty!

Wow! That’s the latest model.

It’s a birthday present from my parents.

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~

Ken is no more a leader than my pet hamster!

no more … than は、「・・・と同じように~ではない」。まずこの形は強い否定。この文で話し手が言いたいのは「ケンは leader なんかじゃない」ということだけ。あとはおまけです。この文の作り方は単純です。not を使って否定するのではなく no more で否定する。あとはあり得ないことを than …で引き合いに出す。ただそれだけです。
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