ラジオ英会話 Lesson 017 at のイメージ

Lesson 017 at のイメージ


前置詞 at のイメージは「点」。このイメージをしっかりつかめば、なぜ at が使われているのかを理解することができます。

Today’s dialog


Jack: Kaya, how was your trip to Osaka?

Kaya: I had a really nice time. It was good to see Risa again.

Jack: Ah, I remember you told me she moved there from Tokyo to improve her comedy skills.

Kaya: That’s right. And now she’s really fantastic at stand-up comedy.

Jack: Where does she perform?

Kaya: There is a famous theater in Namba. That’s where I saw her show. She’s so funny!

Jack: I’d like to see her perform one day.


improve 技術などを 磨く、上達させる
perform 演じる



Kaya, how was your trip to Osaka?
I had a really nice time. It was good to see Rasa again.
Ah, I remember you told me she moved there from Tokyo to improve her comedy skills.
That’s right. And now she’s really fantastic at stand-up comedy.
Well, if you still can’t find it, there’s a great bookshop by my school. They might be able to help you.
There is a famous theater in Namba. That’s where I saw her show. She’s so funny!
I’d like to see her perform one day.

CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR! ~文法のポイントを確認しましょう~


I remember you told me she moved there from Tokyo to improve her comedy skills.

②wh 疑問文と wh 節の区別

Where does she perform?


She’s really fantastic at stand-up comedy.
at のイメージは「点」。at は常にこのイメージの延長線上で用いられます。日本語でも「あの人はこういうところがよい・この点では落第だな」と言いますよね。at はちょうどその「~の点では」に対応しているのです。
He’s not a genius at all.
MKen will get a C at best, and, at worst, he’ll fail.
I got this computer at a good price.
Life begins at 60.


Meet me at the entrance to the library.
I’ve experienced driving at over 200 kph – on a circuit, of course.
「~したことがある」ですから現在完了経験用法ですね。at over 200 kph は kilometers per hour(時速~キロ)。
Look at Jenny’s drawing of our cat. Isn’t it cute?
tora taro