ラジオ英会話 Lesson 013 into のイメージ

Lesson 013 into のイメージ


Into は in と to の組み合わせ。「~の中に」を意味する簡単な前置詞ですが、これですら、日本語訳ではうまく使いこなせません。

Today’s dialog


Husband: What’s all this noise about?

Wife: It’s the cram school students again. The night class just ended.

Husband: Why is the boy lying on the ground? Is he OK?

Wife: I saw what the kid did. He crashed into the fence.

Husband: Should we call an ambulance?

Wife: No. He’s getting up, and everybody’s laughing now.

Husband: Kids today have no common sense. They’re always looking at their phones while riding their bikes.

Wife: I know. They need to be more careful.

Husband: They also need to be quite outside during the nighttime!


cram school 学習塾
ambulance 救急車
common sense 分別、常識



What’s all this noise about?
It’s the cram school students again. The night class just ended.
Why is the boy lying on the ground? Is he OK?
I saw what the kid did. He crashed into the fence.
Should we call an ambulance?
No. He’s getting up, and everybody’s laughing now.
Kids today have no common sense. They’re always looking at their phones while riding their bikes.
I know. They need to be more careful.
They also need to be quite outside during the nighttime!

CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR! ~文法のポイントを確認しましょう~

①wh 疑問文3点セット

What’s all this noise about?
what、who、whyなどのwh 語を使った形には2種類あります。まずはこの「wh 疑問文」。この形を作るには「3点セット」に注意。3点セットとは「空所」「wh 語による指定」「疑問形」。。

②wh 節

I saw what the kid did.
wh 疑問文と違うのはこの形は疑問形を含まないということ。what did he do? なら 彼は何をやったの? という疑問文ですが、what he did は「彼が何をやった(のか)=彼がやったこと」。


He crashed into the fence.
into は「~の中へ」ですが、なぜこの文では「ぶつかる」という表現の中で使われているのでしょうか。
into は「中へ」の動き、そこから「中にめり込む」─衝突の衝撃につながっているのです。
I bumped/ran into Ken on my way home.
I’m really into yoga now.
They promised to look into the matter.
The prince changed into a toad.


Please come into the office early tomorrow morning.
come into は「入ってくる」。最も基本的な into の使い方。
You’ll never believe who I bumped into this morning.
You’ll never believe … は「信じることはできないだろうけど・信じられない話なんだけど」。「僕が誰と出くわしたのか」は「誰」を含んでいますが、疑問文ではなく文の部品。wh 節を使いましょう。
I need to translate all these documents into Chinese.
変化の into。translate … into~ で「・・・を~に翻訳する」。
tora taro