ラジオ英会話 11月第3週 文法の実践練習問題の復習 英訳練習

今週学習したラジオ英会話の「GRAMMAR IN ACTION 文法の実践」で出された英文を作る問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。

11月19日 Monday Lesson 151 受動態⑦ 伝達系・思考系の受動態

Nino’s is said to be the best Italian restaurant in town.
Cave paintings discovered in Indonesia are thought to be the oldest in the world.
The painting that was believed to be a genuine Picasso turned out to be a fake.

11月20日 Tuesday Lesson 152 受動態⑧ 受動態の使いどころ

Mosquitoes are found around stagnant water.
We have been delighted by the response to our fund-raising campaign.
It is often said that information is power.

11月21日 Wednesday Lesson 153 文の中の小さな文:節① that 節(主語位置)

that 節を主語として使ってみよう。

That she was lying was obvious.
That the medicine was not working was easy to see.
That Hirotaka won the speech contest came as a pleasant surprise to everyone.

11月22日 Thursday Lesson 154 文の中の小さな文:節② that 節(リポート文・説明語句の位置)

The teacher told me that I could do much better.
The coach let me know in no uncertain terms that this was my last chance.
The problem is that there’s no way I’m going to meet tomorrow’s deadline.

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~

So you’re saying that there is no single model of perfect English pronunciation?

you’re saying that … は「~と言っているのですね」。相手の発言の真意を確認するのに便利なフレーズ。

I’ll stop worrying about perfect pronunciation and focus on enjoying speaking English.

いろいろなポイントのある文。I’ll stop では「意思の will(~するよ)」が使われています。stop の目的語は worrying と動詞 -ing形。to 不定詞は選べません。and 以降の focus が原型なのは I’ll の後ろに続いているから。focus(集中する)は concentrate(集中する)よりも、集中力が強い感触です。focus は「焦点」ですから。


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