ラジオ英会話 今週のCREATE THE FLOW!


ラジオ英会話 今週のCREATE THE FLOW!

今週学習したラジオ英会話の「CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~」で出された英文を作る問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。

Monday Lesson 101 発言を遮る①:ソフトに遮る


Excuse me, but could I say something here?
I think you’re giving us too much confusing information.
Can I just jump in for a second?
We only have 30 minutes left, so I suggest we skip the next two items on the agenda.
Sorry to interrupt, but if we don’t leave now, we’ll miss the last train.

Tuesday Lesson 102 発言を遮る②:シャープに遮る


Just a minute. Are you implying that this article has been plagiarized?
Hang on a minute. I’m not blaming anybody. I’m just saying we need to be far more careful in the future.
Before you move on to the next point, I’d like to make a couple of comments.

Wednesday Lesson 103 発言権を取り戻す①:ソフトに取り戻す


Could I ask you to hold any questions until I’ve finished? Otherwise, I may well lose my train of thought.
If I could just finish… Now, where was I?
Do you mind? I haven’t finished. Now, as I was explaining, our book presents a totally new approach to language learning.

Thursday 104 発言権を取り戻す②:シャープに取り戻す


Just hear me out. Then maybe you won’t jump to conclusions.
Hang on. Just wait until I’ve made my concluding remarks, will you?
Listen. How can I make a smooth presentation if you keep butting in?
tora taro