ラジオ英会話 May 第3週の復習 英訳練習


最近はいつもそうですが、一週間があっという間に過ぎていきます。若い人よりも年齢を重ねた人の方が時の流れの速さを口にする人が多いようですね。なんでも時の流れの速さを実感するのが、その人の年齢と速度に比例する、という話を聞きましたが、案外そうかもしれません。20歳だったら時の流れの速さは時速20キロ。50歳なら時速50キロ。年々月日が経つのが早いと感じるのはそのせいだったのですね。自分などはスピード違反かもしれません(^^; 毎日の過ぎる早さに振り落とされないようにしっかりついて行きたいと思います。



Hi, Aoi! Did you buy something to eat already?
Oh, hi Yuichi. Yes, it’s a beautiful day, so I wanted to have lunch in the park.
Come and have lunch with us. We’re sitting over there.
OK. Thanks.
I wanted to invite you to lunch today, but you seemed busy.
Yes, there are so many things to learn at the company. It’s hard being the new person.
Don’t worry. Right now, let’s just relax.


I haven’t had French food for a long time.
But you’re French.
Yes, but it’s hard to find real French food here. This place is good, though.
I love this area. It feels like Paris.
In some ways, yes, it does. OK, let’s order some wine. This one looks good. It was bottled in 1988.
That’s an old bottle.
Red wine improves with age. Just like me, right? Ha ha!
Uh, right.


Hi, Katie! You seem to be in a good mood.
Do I? Well, I’m happy that I finally got my herbal therapy certificate.
Oh, how did you get that?
I passed the exam through lots of hard work.
Well, congratulations! But, herbal therapy? I’ve never heard of it.
Basically, it’s any type of health treatment using different herbs. It’s popular these days.
Oh, maybe you could help me. I’ve been kind of stressed out recently.


Excuse me. I’m trying to find the “Scramble Crossing.” Is it near here.
Not really. This is Shinjuku. You need to go to Shibuya. That’s where the famous crossing is.
How do I get to Shibuya?
Just take the Yamanote Line going towards Shinagawa.
Shibuya comes after Harajuku, right?
Exactly. Listen to the announcements carefully. They make them in English as well.
OK, great. I really want to take pictures of the crossing.
Have fun!

with, through, after を使ったフレーズ、言ってみよう。

I’m satisfied with my new laptop.
For once, I agree with you.
Ken is in bed with the flu.
The job will get easier with time.
Could you put me through to the person in charge?
We pass through lots of tunnels on this train ride.
See you in 30 minutes.
He takes after his father.
tora taro