ラジオ英会話 Lesson 238 相手への配慮

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 238 相手への配慮


No disrespect intended, but I don’t think you understand the seriousness of the damage.

Today’s dialog


Martin: Ma’am, we have a problem with the main engine on the spaceship. It doesn’t look good.

Sarah: As leader of Mission Control, my duty is to get those astronauts safely back to Earth.

Martin: No disrespect intended, ma’am, but I don’t think you understand the seriousness of the damage.

Sarah: With all due respect, Martin, it is your job to maintain the engine in good order, so go and show us how good you are.

Martin: Yes, ma’am.



Ma’am, we have a problem with the main engine on the spaceship. It doesn’t look good.
As leader of Mission Control, my duty is to get those astronauts safely back to Earth.
No disrespect intended, ma’am, but I don’t think you understand the seriousness of the damage.
With all due respect, Martin, it is your job to maintain the engine in good order, so go and show us how good you are.
Yes, ma’am.



It doesn’t look good.

②説明型で to 不定詞を説明語句として使う

My duty is to get those astronauts safely back to Earth.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

No disrespect intended, but I don’t think you understand the seriousness of the damage.
With all due respect, I don’t think you’ve fully understood my explanation.
I’m sorry you didn’t make the team. No hard feelings?

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~


No disrespect intended, but do you really think you can handle this?
With all due respect, I think you need to negotiate more aggressively.
We got the better of you this time. No hard feelings, right?


ma’am  女性幹部に対する丁寧な呼びかけ
Mission Control  宇宙管制センター
astronaut  宇宙飛行士
intend  意図する、~のつもりで言う
seriousness  深刻さ
maintain  維持する、保つ
No disrespect intended, but ~  失礼なことを申し上げるはありませんが~
with all due respect  失礼ですが、お言葉ですが
no hard feelings?  悪く思わないでくれるかな?
handle  上手に扱う・処理する
negotiate  交渉する
aggressively  攻撃的に・積極的に
get the better of ~  ~に勝る・打ち勝つ

tora taro