ラジオ英会話 Lesson 236 説得する③:重大な看過を指摘する

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 236 説得する③:重大な看過を指摘する


You must admit that the All Blacks are a strong team.

Today’s dialog


Morgan: Well, the final soccer match is tomorrow. I hope we win.

Dasha: It won’t be easy. You must admit that the All Blacks are a strong team.

Morgan: Yes. Their defense is incredible.

Dasha: But, let’s not forget that we have a home-field advantage.

Morgan: That’s true, but we can’t be overconfident. I’ll give a pep talk to the team just before the match.

Dasha: You’re a great captain, Morgan.

Morgan: Thank you, Dasha.



Well, the final soccer match is tomorrow. I hope we win.
It won’t be easy. You must admit that the All Blacks are a strong team.
Yes. Their defense is incredible.
But, let’s not forget that we have a home-field advantage.
That’s true, but we can’t be overconfident. I’ll give a pep talk to the team just before the match.
You’re a great captain, Morgan.
Thank you, Dasha.


let’s not ~

Let’s not forget that we have a home-field advantage.


That’s true, but we can’t be overconfident.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

You must admit that the All Blacks are a strong team.
You have to agree that we did better than you expected, right?
The age difference should not be overlooked.
Let’s not forget that we have a home-field advantage.
It should be remembered that we are all in the same boat.
Keep in mind that not everyone can afford a luxury hotel.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~


You must admit that she’s a better leader than Tom.
Don’t forget that just being a nice guy isn’t enough to make a good husband.
Keep in mind that the traffic will be quite heavy at that time of the day.


home-field advantage  ホームでのアドバンテージ
give a pep talk to ~  ~に激励の言葉をかける・活を入れる
admit  認める
incredible  信じられないほど
overconfident  自信過剰の、うぬぼれの強い
afford  余裕がある
must admit  認めなくてはならない
have to agree  同意しなくてはならない
should not be overlooked  見過ごされてはならない
let’s not forget that ~  忘れてはならない
it should be remembered that  覚えておくべき
keep in mind that  ~を覚えておく・~に留意する
being a nice guy  いい人である(こと)
enough to  ~するには十分である
at that time of the day  一日のこの時間帯

tora taro