ラジオ英会話 Lesson 234 説得する②:受け入れて主張する

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 234 説得する②:受け入れて主張する


You have a point, but don’t you think we should do something less drastic?

Today’s dialog


Amelia: Ryker, did you hear that Mr. Campbell is leaving?

Ryker: I can’t believe it. He’s a strict teacher, but I like him.

Amelia: He’s very popular. Let’s organize a farewell party for him.

Ryker: Good idea. We can surprise him by throwing a cake in his face.

Amelia: What?

Ryker: We need to do something he’ll never forget.

Amelia: You have a point, but don’t you think we should do something less drastic?

Ryker: I guess so.



Ryker, did you hear that Mr. Campbell is leaving?
I can’t believe it. He’s a strict teacher, but I like him.
He’s very popular. Let’s organize a farewell party for him.
Good idea. We can surprise him by throwing a cake in his face.
We need to do something he’ll never forget.
You have a point, but don’t you think we should do something less drastic?
I guess so.


①hear の使い方・I can’t believe it.

Did you hear that Mr. Campbell is leaving?
I can’t believe it.

②-thing / -one / -body で終わる名詞・関係代名詞修飾

We need to do something he’ll never forget.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

You have a point, but don’t you think we should do something less drastic?
I see, but I think you’re mistaken.
That’s a good point, but still, I cannot agree with your overall argument.
I take your point, but all the same, I’m sure my way will prove to be more effective.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~


I see, but you’re the only one that thinks like that.
You have a point, but even so, it’s not very convincing.
I take your point, but still, there’s no way I can agree with you.


strict  厳格な
farewell party  送別会
drastic  劇的な、思い切った
I think your mistaken.  あなたは間違っていると思います。
still  まだ・依然として
all the same  まったく変わらず=それでもやはり
the only one  唯一の人
like that  そんなふうに
even so  たとえそうであっても
convince  納得させる
convincing  納得させるような=説得力のある
there’s no way +節  ~はあり得ない

tora taro