ラジオ英会話 Lesson 223 同意の定型表現③ 言質をとられない同意

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 223 同意の定型表現③ 言質をとられない同意



Today’s dialog


Albert: Well, I finally finished reading Professor Peacock’s latest book.

Jessica: What did you think?

Albert: I believed about 25 percent of what he wrote. The majority of the book is pure fiction.

Jessica: Why do you say that?

Albert: He jumps to too many conclusions. And there’s no evidence for his theories.

Jessica: I think I agree with most of what you’re saying.

Albert: So, why are you such a big fan of his books?

Jessica: I like his writing style.


latest   最新の
majority of ~   ~の大半
jump to a conclusion   結論を急ぐ
evidence: 証拠
writing style   文章のスタイル、文体



Well, I finally finished reading Professor Peacock’s latest book.
What did you think?
I believed about 25 percent of what he wrote. The majority of the book is pure fiction.
Why do you say that?
He jumps to too many conclusions. And there’s no evidence for his theories.
I think I agree with most of what you’re saying.
So, why are you such a big fan of his books?
I like his writing style.

CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR! ~文法のポイントを確認しましょう~

①目的語で動詞-ing 形しか許さない動詞

I finally finished reading Professor Peacock’s latest book.

②wh 節

I believed about 25 percent of what he wrote.


I think I agree with most of what you’re saying.
まずは I think。「思います」は日本語でも断言を避けるポピュラーな言い回しですね。次に most(ほとんど)。wh 節 what you’re saying(あなたの言っていること)に most of をつけることによって、同意していない部分があることをにおわせているのです。
We have no other option but to agree to all their demands.
Hmm… I think I agree with the main thrust of your opinion.
I suppose [that’s true / you’re right].
You’re probably right.


I think I agree with most of what you’re saying. However, in my opinion, the situation is a bit more complicated.
complicated は「複雑な」。
I suppose you have a point there, but we need to look at the bigger picture.
have a point は「一理ある・的確である複雑な」。big picture は「(問題などの)全体像・対局」。
What you say is probably right, but it’s a bit off the point.
tora taro