ラジオ英会話 Lesson 196 応答⑥:申し出に対して応答する

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 196 応答⑥:申し出に対して応答する


I recommend you try the calzone, it’s amazing. – OK, thanks. I’ll try it.

Today’s dialog


Kyoka: What a nice Italian restaurant! Do you come here often?

Denny: Not really, but the food is excellent. I recommend you try the calzone, it’s amazing.

Kyoka: What is that?

Denny: It’s like a folded pizza, stuffed with, for example, cheese, meat and tomato sauce.

Kyoka: OK, thanks. I’ll try it. Sounds like it’s high in calories.

Denny: Yeah, it probably is.

Kyoka: That’s good, because I’m running in a marathon on Saturday. I need the calories.



What a nice Italian restaurant! Do you come here often?
Not really, but the food is excellent. I recommend you try the calzone, it’s amazing.
What is that?
It’s like a folded pizza, stuffed with, for example, cheese, meat and tomato sauce.
OK, thanks. I’ll try it. Sounds like it’s high in calories.
Yeah, it probably is.
That’s good, because I’m running in a marathon on Saturday. I need the calories.



What a nice Italian restaurant!

recommend +節

I recommend you try the calzone.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

I recommend you try the calzone, it’s amazing. – OK, thanks. I’ll try it.
Let me help you with that heavy suitcase. – That’s very kind of you.
Your offer is very tempting, but I think I’ll pass this time.
What you’re suggesting sounds very interesting, but it’s not for me, I’m afraid.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~


Thanks. I’ll try it. I’ll let you know how it goes.
I appreciate your advice. But I don’t think that will work.
I know many people love jazz music, but it’s not for me.


calzone  カルツォーネ
folded  折り畳まれた
stuffed  詰められた
That’s very kind of you. それはとてもご親切に
tempting  (抗し難いほど)魅力的な
it’s not for me  私には合わない
how it goes  それがどんなふうに進むのか
work  うまくいく

tora taro