ラジオ英会話 Lesson 171 求める②:意見を求める

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 171 求める②:意見を求める


If it’s OK with you, could you share your opinion with us?

Today’s dialog


Peacock: Now, I’ll take any questions you may have. Yes, Jessica.

Jessica: Professor Peacock, I’m worried about the future. What do you think will happen to the human race?
If it’s OK with you, could you share your opinion with us?

Peacock: Certainly. I think the future of the world is bright.

Jessica: Would you be willing to explain why?

Peacock: History shows us that people can overcome anything. So please don’t lose hope.

Jessica: Thank you, Professor. I won’t.



Now, I’ll take any questions you may have. Yes, Jessica.
Professor Peacock, I’m worried about the future. What do you think will happen to the human race?
If it’s OK with you, could you share your opinion with us?
Certainly. I think the future of the world is bright.
Would you be willing to explain why?
History shows us that people can overcome anything. So please don’t lose hope.
Thank you, Professor. I won’t.


any の選択の自由・関係代名詞修飾

I’ll take any questions you may have.

wh 疑問文での空所

What do you think will happen to the human race?

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

If it’s OK with you, could you share your opinion with us?
We’d all like to hear your opinion. Would you be willing to tell us how you view the situation?
Our company has undergone many changes. What are your thoughts on that?

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~


If it’s OK with you, could you share some of your insights with us?
This is a difficult issue. Would you tell us where you stand on it?
The English proficiency level of Japanese people is below the world average. What are your thoughts on that?


human race  人類
overcome  ~を乗り越える
any questions you may have  質問があれば何でも
Would you be willing to ~?  ~してもらってもいいでしょうか?
undergone  受ける、経験する
insight  見識
issue  解決しなくてはならない課題
where you stand on ~  ~に関するあなたの立場
proficiency  熟達・習熟
below  ~よりも下に

tora taro