ラジオ英会話 Lesson 131 行動をうながす①:希望を伝え相手を動かす

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 131 行動をうながす①:希望を伝え相手を動かす


I’d like you to use your imagination.

Today’s dialog


Kurt: Ms. Lulu, this is my first time to try hula dancing. What should I keep in mind?

Lulu: I’d like you to use your imagination. In hula dancing, the movements have to represent things in nature.

Kurt: How’s this?

Lulu: I need you to do it more slowly. Otherwise, it won’t look like a wave.

Kurt: This isn’t as easy as it looks!

Lulu: That’s true, but you’re getting the hang of it.

Kurt: Thanks, but don’t post any videos of me on social media.



Ms. Lulu, this is my first time to try hula dancing. What should I keep in mind?
I’d like you to use your imagination. In hula dancing, the movements have to represent things in nature.
How’s this?
I need you to do it more slowly. Otherwise, it won’t look like a wave.
This isn’t as easy as it looks!
That’s true, but you’re getting the hang of it.
Thanks, but don’t post any videos of me on social media.


to 不定詞の「形容詞的活用法」

This is my first time to try hula dancing.

otherwise が作るリズム

I need you to do it more slowly. Otherwise, it won’t look like a wave.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

I’d like you to use your imagination.
I want you to stay with me.
I want you to be more careful when writing reports.
We need you to speed up production. Otherwise, we can’t meet the demand.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~


I would like you to meet a good friend of mine from Japan.
We need you to come up with a detailed proposal by Friday.
I want you to call me as soon as you get there so I know you’ve arrived safely.


imagination  想像力
represent  表現する
get the hang of ~  ~のコツを掴む
post  (ネット上に情報を)投稿する
a good friend of mine  仲の良い友人のひとり
come up with  思いつく、考え出す
detailed proposal  詳細な提案

tora taro