ラジオ英会話 Lesson 129 可能性評価④:ありそうもない

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 129 可能性評価④:ありそうもない


It’s doubtful that I’ll be able to make it.

Today’s dialog


Sergei: I’m looking forward to the Halloween party. I hope I can see a lot of unusual costumes there.

Tomomi: Wow, Sergei, you’ve really become a fan of Halloween!

Sergei: We don’t have Halloween in my country, but I enjoy this tradition here every year.

Tomomi: Oh, no! I just got an email from the boss. I have to work overtime on the 31st.

Sergei: What about the Halloween party?

Tomomi: It’s doubtful that I’ll be able to make it.



I’m looking forward to the Halloween party. I hope I can see a lot of unusual costumes there.
Wow, Sergei, you’ve really become a fan of Halloween!
We don’t have Halloween in my country, but I enjoy this tradition here every year.
Oh, no! I just got an email from the boss. I have to work overtime on the 31st.
What about the Halloween party?
It’s doubtful that I’ll be able to make it.



I hope I can see a lot of unusual costumes there.


We don’t have Halloween in my country, but I enjoy this tradition here every year.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

It’s doubtful that I’ll be able to make it.
There’s little chance that you won’t enjoy our lessons.
There’s not much hope of a raise in the present economic climate.
I’d be surprised if they chose him as a team leader.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~


It’s doubtful that I’ll be able to meet the deadline.
I dropped my cell phone into the lake. I guess there’s not much hope of finding it.
There’s little chance that I’ll be chosen for the job.


unusual  奇妙な、普通でない
tradition  伝統(行事)
work overtime  残業する
What about ~? ~はどうなるのか
it’s doubtful that  ~はありそうもない
There’s little chance that  ~はほとんどない
There’s not much hope of  ~はあまり期待出来ない
I’d be surprised if  ~ならビックリ
meet the deadline  締め切りを守る

tora taro