ラジオ英会話 Lesson 128 理解する:understand、grasp、comprehend、follow

Lesson 128 理解する:understand、grasp、comprehend、follow



Today’s dialog


Jessica: I enjoyed your lecture on “Cosmologies of Ancient Peoples.”

Peacock: It’s surprising how much they got to know about the universe without telescopes.

Jessica: Yes. Even today, it’s hard to understand how big the universe is.

Peacock: You can say that again.

Jessica: I wonder if we will ever travel to another planet in our solar system.

Peacock: That’s many people’s dream.

Jessica: It might come true someday.


cosmology  宇宙論
ancient  古代の
telescope  望遠鏡
solar system  太陽系



I enjoyed your lecture on “Cosmologies of Ancient Peoples.”
It’s surprising how much they got to know about the universe without telescopes.
Yes. Even today, it’s hard to understand how big the universe is.
You can say that again.
I wonder if we will ever travel to another planet in our solar system.
That’s many people’s dream.
It might come true someday.

CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR! ~文法のポイントを確認しましょう~

①it … wh 節

It’s surprising how much they got to know about the universe without telescopes.

②come true・might

It might come true someday.


It’s hard to understand how big the universe is.
「理解する・わかる」を意味する最も標準的な動詞は understand。こうしたカタい文脈にも、She doesn’t understand Japanese.(彼女は日本語がわからない)といった日常表現にも使えます。
Don’t worry. I understand exactly how you feel.
His idea is too difficult for me to grasp.
Sociologists still don’t fully comprehend the causes of delinquency.
Sorry, I can’t quite follow what you’re saying.


If there’s anything you don’t understand, I’ll be happy to explain in more detail.
It’s important to grasp the native speaker’s way of thinking.
「しっかり掴んで理解する」grasp が使われています。way of thinking は「考え方」
The lecture used very difficult vocabulary, so I couldn’t follow what he was saying.
what he was saying は「彼が何を言っていたのか=彼が言っていたこと」。
tora taro