ラジオ英会話 Lesson 126 可能性評価①:非常に高い可能性

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 126 可能性評価①:非常に高い可能性


I have no doubt that you will do a great job.

Today’s dialog


Tatsuya: Ms. Sato, I’m not sure about my research presentation tomorrow. I’m nervous.

Ms. Sato: Don’t be nervous. You’ll do fine.

Tatsuya: I hope it won’t be boring.

Ms. Sato: What is the presentation about?

Tatsuya: It’s about a historical person from the Edo period. His name is Kimpara Meizen, and he supervised the construction of large public works in our town.

Ms. Sato: It sounds interesting to me. I have no doubt that you will do a great job.

Tatsuya: Thanks for your encouragement, Ms. Sato.



Ms. Sato, I’m not sure about my research presentation tomorrow. I’m nervous.
Don’t be nervous. You’ll do fine.
I hope it won’t be boring.
What is the presentation about?
It’s about a historical person from the Edo period. His name is Kimpara Meizen, and he supervised the construction of large public works in our town.
It sounds interesting to me. I have no doubt that you will do a great job.
Thanks for your encouragement, Ms. Sato.


禁止の命令(~するな)・nervous のニュアンス・fine の位置と役割

Don’t be nervous. You’ll do fine.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

I have no doubt that you will do a great job.
Kei is bound to win the final.
I’m sure / certain that we can work it out.
I’m convinced that this is the best way to handle the situation.
There will be a test tomorrow.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~


I have no doubt that you will be a valuable asset to our company.
It’s an important interview. You’re bound to feel nervous.
I’m sure everything will work out fine in the end.


Kimpara Meizen  金原明善
supervise  指揮する
construction  建設
encouragement  励まし
I have no doubt that ~  ~は間違いない・疑いようがない
be bound to  (必ず)~することになる
I’m convinced that  確信している
valuable asset to ~  ~にとって貴重な人材
feel nervous  緊張する
everything will work out fine  全部素晴らしい結果になる

tora taro