ラジオ英会話 Lesson 114 提案する③:疑問形による提案

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 114 提案する③:疑問形による提案



Today’s dialog


Mika: Wow! I wasn’t expecting so many people to be here today.

Ralph: This place is famous for its delicious soba.

Mika: Yes, it’s the best I’ve ever had.

Ralph: Yeah. It never comes out this good when I make it a home.

Mika: It must be the mountain air!

Ralph: Ha-ha! Right.

Mika: OK, let’s get going. Why don’t we split the bill equally?

Ralph: Don’t worry. It’s on me.

Mika: No way!

Ralph: I insist. Today, it’s my treat.



Wow! I wasn’t expecting so many people to be here today.
This place is famous for its delicious soba.
Yes, it’s the best I’ve ever had.
Yeah. It never comes out this good when I make it a home.
It must be the mountain air!
Ha-ha! Right.
OK, let’s get going. Why don’t we split the bill equally?
Don’t worry. It’s on me.
No way!
I insist. Today, it’s my treat.


to 不定詞を用いた目的語説明型

I wasn’t expecting so many people to be here today.

insist のイメージ

I insist. Today, it’s my treat.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

Why don’t we split the bill equally? - Don’t worry. It’s on me.
Shall we go out for dinner? – Sorry, I’m really tired.
How about asking Arjun? He’s a computer whiz.
How about some tea?
How about we organize a bon dance event?

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~


Why don’t we have a barbecue on Sunday? It would be fun.
Shall we stop now and continue tomorrow morning? We’re both exhausted.
How about I pick you up around seven?


come out  ~という結果になる
split the bill  割り勘にする
be on ~  ~が負担する
insist  自分の主張は変えませんよ
why don’t we ~?  ~しませんか?
Shall we ~?  ~しませんか?

tora taro