ラジオ英会話 Lesson 101 発言を遮る①:ソフトに遮る

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 101 発言を遮る①:ソフトに遮る



Today’s dialog


Katya: Derek, can you hear me?

Derek: Yes, I can hear you now. It takes a while to learn the functions of this app.

Katya: So, how many people are going to participate in the online party?

Derek: We’ll be around 50. But we need to think of an agenda.

Katya: Excuse me, but could I say something here? I think you’re missing the main point.

Derek: And what is that?

Katya: The whole point of the party is to have fun.



Derek, can you hear me?
Yes, I can hear you now. It takes a while to learn the functions of this app.
So, how many people are going to participate in the online party?
We’ll be around 50. But we need to think of an agenda.
Excuse me, but could I say something here? I think you’re missing the main point.
And what is that?
The whole point of the party is to have fun.



Can you hear me?
Can you see Mt. Fuji?
Can you taste the garlic?
Can you feel it?

wh 疑問文

How many people are going to participate in the online party?

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

Excuse me, but could I say something here? I think you’re missing the main point.
Can I just jump in for a second? I’d like to suggest we take a short break.
Do you mind if I add something here? What you’re saying is correct, but we also need to look at this issue from a cultural viewpoint.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~


Excuse me, but could I say something here?
I think you’re giving us too much confusing information.
Can I just jump in for a second?
We only have 30 minutes left, so I suggest we skip the next two items on the agenda.
Sorry to interrupt, but if we don’t leave now, we’ll miss the last train.


take a while  少し時間が掛かる
participate  参加する
agenda  議題
miss  見逃す、わかっていない
Could I say something here?  ここでひと言よろしいでしょうか。
jump in  (会話などに)割り込む
Can I just jump in for a second?  ここでちょっといいですか?
Do you mind if ~?  ~してよろしいでしょうか
confusing  混乱させるような、わかりづらい
We only have 30 minutes left.  残り時間は30分しかありません。
Sorry to interrupt. 話の邪魔をして申し訳ありません。

tora taro