ラジオ英会話 Lesson 081 get の基本イメージ:「動き」を理解しよう

Lesson 081 get の基本イメージ:「動き」を理解しよう


今週は基本動詞 get を詳しく学習していきます。

Today’s dialog


Lydia: What’s that you’re reading, Mitch?

Mitch: I got a letter from Ken saying he is engaged.

Lydia: What? Ken — our friend, the doctor?

Mitch: Yes, they are going to have the wedding in Hawaii.

Lydia: That’s great news. Who’s the bride-to-be?

Mitch: Her name is Sakura. She’s Japanese. They met in medical college.

Lydia: That’s a handwritten letter. Why didn’t he just send you an email?

Mitch: Ken enjoys writing letters with a fountain pen.


engaged: 婚約している
bride-to-be: これから花嫁になる人
medical college: 医大
handwritten: 手書きの
fountain pen: 万年筆



What’s that you’re reading, Mitch?
I got a letter from Ken saying he is engaged.
What? Ken — our friend, the doctor?
Yes, they are going to have the wedding in Hawaii.
That’s great news. Who’s the bride-to-be?
Her name is Sakura. She’s Japanese. They met in medical college.
That’s a handwritten letter. Why didn’t he just send you an email?
Ken enjoys writing letters with a fountain pen.

CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR! ~文法のポイントを確認しましょう~

①be going to

They are going to have the wedding in Hawaii.

②then の「視線を移す」

That’s a handwritten letter. Why didn’t he just send you an email?


I got a letter from Ken saying he is engaged.
get は入手(手に入れる)を表す最も一般的な動詞。この文は「手紙を受け取った」ということです。ただ、get の力を100%活用するためには「得る・手に入れる」という日本語訳だけではなくイメージに「動き」が含まれていることを意識してください。
What did you have for lunch? — I had / got tuna sandwiches.
had は「ツナサンドにしました(食べました)。got は「ツナサンドを買ってきました」。
I’ll get this.
I got it at the bookshop on my way home.
I got it!
I got the impression that they’re hiding something.
If you’re not here by 8:30, we’ll leave without you, OK? — I got it.
「難易度」を表す形容詞は for がベスト。「君にとって難しい」は対象である「君」にフォーカスし、それに対する判断を含むからです。


I got some great bargains in the sales.
Why do I get the feeling the boss doesn’t like me?
get the feeling は「気持ちになる・感じがする」
I’ve got an awful headache.
tora taro