ラジオ英会話 Lesson 050 今週のReview 英訳練習

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 046 変化の傾向 : come と go

Ken: Hi. This is my first time to have a palm reading.

Hiroko: Just relax, sir. Please put your palms face up.

Ken: What do you see?

Hiroko: You have a daughter.

Ken: Yes! How did you know that?

Hiroko: I can see many things. And she is a soccer player.

Ken: Amazing! What else can you tell me?

Hiroko: She is going to play in game tomorrow… and her team will win.

Ken: That’s incredible! I hope your prediction comes true.

Listening Challenge!

Q1: What is the prediction about the man’s daughter?
A: She will become a soccer player.
B: The soccer game will be canceled.
C: Her soccer team will win.
C: Her soccer team will win.

Lesson 047 文型とイメージが紡ぐ意味 : run

Patrick: Hey, look at this magazine. I know this guy.

Sophie: Oh? Who is he?

Patrick: He was a student of mine. He runs an Italian restaurant.

Sophie: He looks pretty stylish.

Patrick: Yes. I remember he was a very popular student when I taught him English at junior high school.

Sophie: Where did you teach?

Patrick: On an island called Sado. That was a long time ago.

Sophie: Maybe you should visit his restaurant.

Patrick: Yes, I definitely will!

Listening Challenge!

Q2: Why does the man know the guy in the magazine?
A: Because he was his student.
B: Because he is well-known.
C: Because he has visited the restaurant before.
A: Because he was his student.

Lesson 048 「運ぶ」を表す動詞の方向性 : bring、take、carry

Theo: Hi, Mirai! You got a dog!

Mirai: Hi, Theo. Yes, he is my first pet.

Theo: He’s a cute little Shiba dog. What’s his name?

Mirai: Paul.

Theo: Paul? You named your dog Paul?

Mirai: Is that strange?

Theo: Well, British people usually don’t use such ordinary personal names for their pets.

Mirai: Well, I love Paul. He has brought lots of happiness into my life.

Theo: Paul seems to like my dog, Sparky.

Mirai: Yeah, they’re like good friends already.

Listening Challenge!

Q3: Which of the following is true about Paul?
A: He is Mirai’s brother.
B: He makes Mirai happy.
C: He has met Sparky before.
B: He makes Mirai happy.

Lesson 049 視点の相違 : leave

Jenny: Hell, Dad? Why are you calling me at work?

Dad: Jenny, did you check your pockets before you left the house this morning?

Jenny: No, why?

Dad: You left your keys on the table.

Jenny: Oh, did I?

Dad: Mom and I are going to eat out tonight, so I will bring your keys after work. Can we meet at the station at 6 o’clock?

Jenny: Well, I’m not sure I can leave work that early.

Listening Challenge!

Q4: Where are the Jenny’s keys?
A: They are in her pocket.
B: They are at home.
C: They are at the station.
B: They are at home.






deep-water fish : 深海魚
fisherman : 漁師
life jacket : 救命胴衣



My dream finally came true. You know I’m into deep-water fish, right?
came true(実現する)。into … は「~に熱中して」。
I made friends with a fisherman who runs a restaurant in Numazu.
make friends with … は「~と友達になる」は friends と複数形であることに注意。「友達同士」だから。
I’m going fishing on his boat next week. You can join me, but you should bring a life jacket with you, OK?
「船に乗る」が話題ですからその場所に近づく動き bring です。


You remember that I’m crazy about deep-water fish, right?
文末の「, right?」によって文全体に軽い疑問の気持ちが通っています。こうした「ちょこっと疑問」、使える様に!。
Well, one of my friends introduced me to a fisherman who runs a popular restaurant in Numazu.
introduced ~ to …は「~を・・・に紹介する」。
He’s invited me to go fishing with him next Saturday. He says it’s OK if you come too, as long as you bring a life jacket. Pretty cool, eh?
it’s OK if~ は「~してもいい」を表す気軽な表現。as log as は直訳すれば「~とおなじくらい長く」。「~である限り・~であるなら」と、時間的な長さや、この文のように「条件」を表すこともできます。
tora taro