ラジオ英会話 Lesson 046 変化の傾向 : come と go

Lesson 046 変化の傾向 : come と go


come と go は「変化」を表すことができますが、変化の種類が異なります。

Today’s dialog


Ken: Hi. This is my first time to have a palm reading.

Hiroko: Just relax, sir. Please put your palms face up.

Ken: What do you see?

Hiroko: You have a daughter.

Ken: Yes! How did you know that?

Hiroko: I can see many things. And she is a soccer player.

Ken: Amazing! What else can you tell me?

Hiroko: She is going to play in game tomorrow… and her team will win.

Ken: That’s incredible! I hope your prediction comes true.


palm reading 手相占い
face up 表向きにして
prediction 予言



Hi. This is my first time to have a palm reading.
Just relax, sir. Please put your palms face up.
What do you see?
You have a daughter.
Yes! How did you know that?
I can see many things. And she is a soccer player.
Amazing! What else can you tell me?
She is going to play in game tomorrow… and her team will win.
That’s incredible! I hope your prediction comes true.

CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR! ~文法のポイントを確認しましょう~

①to 不定詞の形容詞的用法

This is my first time to have a palm reading.
名詞 my first time の後ろに to 不定詞。「説明ルール」です。(説明は後ろに置く)。

②be going to と will

She is going to play in game tomorrow… and her team will win.
be going to は常に「流れ」が感じられます。この文も「出ることになっています。そうした「流れ」になっているということ。will は単に予測。「勝ちますよ」と未来を見越している感じ。


I hope your prediction comes true.
your prediction comes true は、「説明型、オーバーラッピング」の形。「your prediction=true〔になる〕」ということ。come は「変化(~になる)」の意味で使われているのです。
Everything will come right in the end.
go も頻繁に変化を表します。
Everything went wrong.
come は好ましい変化、go は好ましくな変化を表す強い傾向がある。
Come on. You can do it!


Her dream of becoming a pro golfer has finally come true.
過去の離れた出来事ではなく手元で感じる現在完了形が使われています。become は come to be(~になる)ということ。ここでは「夢が叶う」という意味で come true が使われています。
She’s quitting her job? Has she gone crazy?
quit は「やめる」。次の文は彼女の現在の様子に焦点があるため、Has she …? と現在完了形が使われています。
When do the cherry trees come into blossom?
come into blossom は「花が咲く」。
tora taro