ラジオ英会話 Lesson 036 条件設定のフロー① if の価値

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 036 条件設定のフロー① if の価値


今回から「条件設定のフロー」。まずは if から。

Today’s dialog


Coach: Tony, you missed every practice last month. What’s going on?

Tony: Sorry, coach. I’ve been busy with my part-time job.

Coach: Well, you’re going to have to make a choice between soccer and your job.

Tony: You know how much I love soccer, but I need the money to help pay for my school fees.

Coach: I understand that, but if you carry on like this, I’ll have to kick you off the team.

Tony: OK, coach.



Tony, you missed every practice last month. What’s going on?
Sorry, coach. I’ve been busy with my part-time job.
Well, you’re going to have to make a choice between soccer and your job.
You know how much I love soccer, but I need the money to help pay for my school fees.
I understand that, but if you carry on like this, I’ll have to kick you off the team.
OK, coach.



What’s going on?

be going to は「流れの中」

You’re going to have to make a choice between soccer and your job.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

If you carry on like this, I’ll have to kick you off the team.
If you don’t stop playing around, I’ll divorce you.
If you don’t do exactly as I say, you’ll suffer the consequences.
If you exercise more, you’ll feel much more energetic.
What if we have a picnic this Saturday?

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~

if を用いて様々な意図を実現しましょう。

If you don’t start treating me better, I’ll break up with you!
What if we go to a spa this weekend?
If you don’t pay me back by this Friday, I’ll make you suffer.


school fees  授業料
carry on  (行為などを)続ける
kick ~ off …  ~を・・・から追い出す
divorce  離婚
suffer the consequences  結果に苦しむ
energetic  活動的
what if  もし~だったらどうだろう
break up with ~と別れる
make you suffer  あなたを苦しめる

tora taro