ラジオ英会話 Lesson 032 譲歩のフロー③ 逆向きの力

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 032 譲歩のフロー③ 逆向きの力



Today’s dialog


Judy: You took the day off yesterday.

Sam: Yes, I promised to take my girlfriend to a theme park.

Judy: I thought you hated places like that.

Sam: I do, but she loves them. Luckily, it wasn’t so crowded yesterday.

Judy: Oh, right. It was raining all day.

Sam: I was thinking about canceling, but we went there in spite of the bad weather.

Judy: Did you have a good time?

Sam: I did, but I enjoyed the hot bath at home afterwards more.



You took the day off yesterday.
Yes, I promised to take my girlfriend to a theme park.
I thought you hated places like that.
I do, but she loves them. Luckily, it wasn’t so crowded yesterday.
Oh, right. It was raining all day.
I was thinking about canceling, but we went there in spite of the bad weather.
Did you have a good time?
I did, but I enjoyed the hot bath at home afterwards more.


think は「思う・考える」両用

I thought you hated places like that.
I was thinking about canceling.


Luckily, it wasn’t so crowded yesterday.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

We went there in spite of the bad weather.
We played soccer [despite / in spite of] the rain.
We played soccer despite the fact that it was raining.
I heard a rumor that Risa is moving to Osaka.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~

in spite of、despite を用いて「~にもかかわらず」のフローを作りましょう。

In spite of his shyness, he asked her for a date.
They got married despite the difference in their ages.
She never puts on weight despite the fact that she eats like a horse!


take the day off  (特定の一日を)休む
promise  約束する
in spite of  ~にもかかわらず
despite  ~にもかかわらず
afterwards  あとで
despite the fact あとを that で説明する
shyness  内気であること
get married  結婚する
put on weight  体重が増える
eat like a horse  馬のように食べる=大食いする

tora taro