ラジオ英会話 Lesson 019 as③ そのほかの「=(イコール)」

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 019 as③ そのほかの「=(イコール)」


as の「=」は大変便利です。上手に使う練習です。

Today’s dialog


Hiroki: As you know, we’re having the company-wide meeting next week.

Alana: Yes, you must be very busy preparing for it.

Hiroki: You can say that again.

Alana: Do you need any help?

Hiroki: Actually, I do. I need to make a presentation, and I want to include some background music. Could you find me something suitable?

Alana: Sure. What kind do you need?

Hiroki: Something very upbeat. I want to impress our sales staff.

Alana: OK, let me think about it.



As you know, we’re having the company-wide meeting next week.
Yes, you must be very busy preparing for it.
You can say that again.
Do you need any help?
Actually, I do. I need to make a presentation, and I want to include some background music. Could you find me something suitable?
Sure. What kind do you need?
Something very upbeat. I want to impress our sales staff.
OK, let me think about it.


must のイメージ

You must be very busy preparing for it.


Could you find me something suitable?

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

As you know, we’re having the company-wide meeting next week.
As parents, we are responsible for our children.
I regard my new job as a great challenge.
Do as I say.
I finally married her. It’s like a dream!
Like parents, we teachers are responsible for our students.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~

as を使って英文を作りましょう。。

As discussed, our new sales campaign will begin next Monday.
As your doctor, I strongly recommend you exercise more regularly.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.


include  含む、含める
suitable  適当な、適切な
upbeat  陽気な、明るい、アップテンポの
impress  印象を与える
responsible  責任のある
regard  見なす、考える
more regularly 規則正しく、定期的に

tora taro