ラジオ英会話 Lesson 002 and② 「命令文+and 」の理由

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 002 and② 「命令文+and 」の理由


「命令文+and 」は、~しなさい、そうすれば。オープニングで大西先生がいう英語教育界のうろこだき、の意味がわからず調べたら漫画「鬼滅の刃」の登場人物の名前なんですね。鱗滝左近次。

Today’s dialog


Will: It was great seeing the cherry blossoms tonight. The lights make them look enchanting.

Riko: I agree. It’s quite a different feeling from the daytime.

Will: We should leave here soon. If I have to take a taxi, my wife will get angry again.

Riko: Because of the taxi fare?

Will: Yes, it’s much more expensive than taking the train.

Riko: Then I guess we don’t have time for another drink.

Will: I’m afraid not. Hurry up, and we’ll catch the last train.



It was great seeing the cherry blossoms tonight. The lights make them look enchanting.
I agree. It’s quite a different feeling from the daytime.
We should leave here soon. If I have to take a taxi, my wife will get angry again.
Because of the taxi fare?
Yes, it’s much more expensive than taking the train.
Then I guess we don’t have time for another drink.
I’m afraid not. Hurry up, and we’ll catch the last train.


make を使った目的語説明型

The lights make them look enchanting.

then のイメージ

Then I guess we don’t have time for another drink.

ABSORB THE FLOW!~英語の流れを身につけましょう~

Hurry up, and we’ll catch the last train.
Just press this button, and your cappuccino will be ready in no time.
Could you just wait here, and the Principal will see you soon?
It rained hard, and I got wet.
Try and learn a word a day.

CREATE THE FLOW! ~英語の流れを作り出しましょう~

Apologize to her, and there’s a chance she’ll take you back.
Follow the instructions, and everything will be fine.
How about we take this shortcut and avoid the traffic?


enchanting   魅惑的な
fare   (交通機関の)料金
I’m afraid not.   悪い知らせを丁寧に伝える。残念ながらね。
Follow the instructions   指示に従う
avoid   避ける、よける、回避する

tora taro