ラジオ英会話 今週の復習・英訳練習



Ben, do you have a minute?
Sure, Tia. What’s up?
Can you come into work tomorrow? Something just came up today.
Tomorrow? But it’s a holiday.
I understand it’s a holiday. All the same, we need you to come to work.
Normally, I’d say no problem. But we’re having an important family reunion tomorrow that I can’t possibly miss.
Well, I guess it can’t be helped, then. OK, don’t worry about it.
Thanks, Tia.


You took the day off yesterday.
Yes, I promised to take my girlfriend to a theme park.
I thought you hated places like that.
I do, but she loves them. Luckily, it wasn’t so crowded yesterday.
Oh, right. It was raining all day.
I was thinking about canceling, but we went there in spite of the bad weather.
Did you have a good time?
I did, but I enjoyed the hot bath at home afterwards more.


Jonas, what happened to your finger? Did you cut yourself?
Yes, I’m afraid I did. I had a little accident in the kitchen.
Were you peeling potatoes again?
No, not this time. I was trying to open a new jar of strawberry jam, but however hard I tried, I couldn’t open it.
So, how did you cut yourself?
I ended up using a can opener and my hand slipped. I did finally open the jar, though.


Todd, what are you doing playing with your phone? You promised to do your homework.
Mom, you’re supposed to knock on the door first.
Don’t be smart with me, young man.
I don’t want to do my homework.
Whether you like it or not, you have to do it.
But history is so boring.
I have an idea. Try watching history videos made with dancing and rap music. You’ll learn a lot and have fun at the same time.


He’s always there for us, that’s why.
In spite of all his hard work and his tight schedule, he makes time to be with us.


Well, the exam may be difficult, but nothing’s impossible if you try hard enough.
Whatever happens, I will pass.
tora taro