ラジオ英会話 今週の復習・英訳練習



Hi, Pierre. How was your trip to Cambodia?
Ha! I didn’t even make it there!
Why? What happened?
Well, I got to the check-in counter only to find out that French citizens need a visa.
You’re kidding. You didn’t check before buying your ticket?
No. I didn’t think I ‘d need one for a short sightseeing trip.
That’s too bad. But you’ve learned a lesson for future trips.
Yes, a very expensive lesson!


Good morning! Where’s Rei today?
She took the morning off. Last night, she stayed at work late so she could complete the report.
But she needs to decide the package design today. Are we putting a cat or dog character on it?
Can you wait till this afternoon?
Yes, I guess I’ll have to. She’ll probably choose the cat character since she has a cat.
Yes, I think she will. It’s a cute character.


Why are you looking at that fashion magazine?
I’m going to London to buy some suits.
But you never wear a suit.
I know, but this year I have to attend a lot of events. So, I need some new suits.
Where in London are you going?
There is a famous area called Savile Row.
Oh, yes, I’ve heard of it. Some say that the Japanese word for suit, Sebiro, comes from that place.


Wow, that omelet with rice was really tasty. I love Japanese-style Western food!
Yes, this restaurant has a long history.
I’d like to try making this dish myself at home. It looks easy.
It may look easy, but it’s really difficult to make the omelet soft.
I’ll watch some videos on the internet and get some hints.
You’ll have to practice a lot, but good luck!
Thanks! I’ll try not to waste too many eggs.


We have an increasing number of international guests.
So, I need all of you to listen to Radio Eikawa every day so you can improve your English skills.


Hi. Yesterday, I was asked to work late by the boss.
After work, I rushed to the station, only to find the last train had gone. I had to take a taxi.

tora taro