ラジオ英会話 今週の復習・英訳練習




Shiho, I want to apologize.
Doug, I told you I don’t want to talk to you anymore. How can I trust someone who breaks promises?
It just came out naturally. I was so happy that you got accepted into Columbia.
But you didn’t respect my privacy.
Look, I’m apologizing. So, can we let bygones be bygones? Here, this is for you.
What’s this? A box of chocolates? They look expensive.
Well, it is Valentine’s Day, isn’t it?


Er… Hi, Hitomi. How are you today?
I’m fine, Ricky. What’s up?
Nothing special. I just thought I’d say hi.
I see. Well, nice talking to you, but I have a meeting to go to.
Oh, right. Absolutely. I, Er, I was wondering…
Ricky, will you stop beating about the bush and just say what you want to say?
Well, I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight?


Oh, I’m starving. Let’s eat out tonight. I’m in the mood for a nice, juicy steak with French fries.
Steak and fries? Have you forgotten you have your health check tomorrow?
Oh, yeah, right. But it won’t make a big difference.
Remember, your results last year were really bad. You haven’t been exercising or dieting at all!
But you’ve got to enjoy life once in a while.
Once in a while is fine. But you need more self-control.


You know my friend Doug, right?
The guy who leaked your secret?
Yes, but he apologized and gave me a box of chocolates.
Well, that’s nice of him.
Actually, Doug’s a really sweet guy. I didn’t realize how much I liked him.
That’s great. Just tell him, then!
Well, I’m going abroad soon. Maybe it’s not the right time.
Come on, Shiho. I mean, if not now, when? Seize the day!
Mmm… I’ll think about it.


Is English that necessary?


Of course. You’ll never get a better opportunity to start learning English. If not now, when?
Let’s go to a bookstore together. I’ll find you a good textbook.


Didn’t I tell you that I don’t want to talk to you?


Yes, but listen. I’m sorry for what I did. I was just kidding.
Look. Here’s the present I wanted to give you. So can we let bygones be bygones?
tora taro