ラジオ英会話 今週の復習・英訳練習




Hi, Sam. Can you hear me? I’ve never participated in an online party before.
Yes, I can hear you, Janet. Don’t worry. It’s a new thing for all of us.
How do I change the background like yours?
Look at the bottom of the screen. There’s a green button.
Where? Oh, now I see it.
In my opinion, we should practice before the party. What do you think?
I think so too.


Hey, Gilbert. I heard some news about Ryan.
Ryan? How long has it been since he left the company?
About four months. Looks like his new company is succeeding. That’s great news, isn’t it?
Yes, it was Ryan’s dream to start his own company.
It seems that there are many people who need his services.
What kind of company is it?
Men’s cosmetics. He seems to be really enjoying the work.
Wow, that’s great.


What do you make of the new lead singer of the Desperate Rats?
Bill Bungalow? He made quite an impression on me at their last concert.
Isn’t he amazing? He reminds me of John Lennon.
Yes, his voice is similar. I love his accent.
The group has gone through a lot of changes this year.
I know. They got a new guitarist too. He’s almost as good as the old one, but not quite.
I agree.


Ted, can I ask you a personal question?
Sure, if it’s not too personal.
You’re always so positive and happy. Why is that?
Actually, when I was younger, I was really negative all the time. But I changed.
Could you explain how you changed?
I started to focus on the good things in my life, not the bad things.
Is that all?
Yes, it’s as simple as that.


What happened to Joe? He looks a bit down.


Looks like he’s stressed out with his new project.
Let’s take him out for a drink and cheer him up.




Hi. What do you make of the new recruit? Although he doesn’t talk a lot, he’s confident and reliable.
I think he’s the best recruit we’ve ever had.
tora taro