ラジオ英会話 今週の復習・英訳練習



Mr. Ito, thank you for meeting me today.
Not at oll. Thank you. I need new products for my shop.
Our company will soon be introducing two exciting new products.
Can you tell me what they are?
Of course. The first is a new shaved-ice machine. It makes the smoothest shaved ice you’ve ever seen.
Excellent! People love eating shaved ice in the summer. What’s the other one?
It’s a lightweight beach parasol.


Welcome to Beginning Yoga. My name is Nikita, and I’ll be your instructor for this course. Oh, sir, you have a question?
Yes. I’ve never done yoga before. I’m a little nervous.
Don’t worry. What’s your name, sir?
Daniel, just relax. Yoga is all about relaxation.
That’s my problem. I find it hard to relax.
Well, you came to the right place. Before we begin today’s lesson, let me give you some information about yoga.


Have you talked to the new music teacher, Ms. Jetz?
Ms. Jetz? Oh, you mean Bennie. Everybody calls her by her first name.
Don’t you think she dresses strangely?
What do you mean?
Well, she often wears electric boots, for example.
Electric boots? You mean with lights?
Yes. But having said that, she is one of the most popular teachers at our school now.
I know. All the students love her.


Professor Peacock, do you really believe Atlantis existed?
Well, I can’t say for sure, but it’s possible.
Most people think the story of Atlantis is just a myth.
According to Plato, the story was passed down through the ages.
So, you’re saying it’s based on fact?
Yes. In my opinion, the legend is a memory from the distant past.
I hope you find the ruins of Atlantis someday.
Thank you, Jessica. So do I.


I have a question, question, questioooooooon!


I’m sorry, but would you please wait for the whole explanation?
I’ll take questions after that.


How about articles about restaurants?


Talking of restaurants, I’m getting hungry.
Why don’t we try the new French restaurant? The chef has a great reputation.
tora taro