ラジオ英会話 ピーコック教授の物語 2020

Lesson 051


Hello, Jessica. Thanks for coming to my lecture. How was it?
It was wonderful. I learned so much.
That’s very kind of you to say so.
Well, it’s true. To illustrate your points, you often used examples from your personal experience. I loved that.
I think that makes the lecture much more interesting. Otherwise, the audience would fall asleep!
Ha-ha! Today, everyone was completely absorbed in your lecture.
That’s good to hear. Now, how about some tea?

Lesson 063


Today, I’d like to talk about history, not archaeology.
I like your slides, Professor.
Thank you, Jessica. Do you know who these two men are?
Oh, they’re the ones who first reached the top of Mount Everest.
Excellent. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. The date was May 29,1953.
The slide says they left their camp at dawn.
Yes. They climbed for hours. Finally, they reached the summit of Everest at 11:30 a.m.

Lesson 069


Professor Peacock, do you really believe Atlantis existed?
Well, I can’t say for sure, but it’s possible.
Most people think the story of Atlantis is just a myth.
According to Plato, the story was passed down through the ages.
So, you’re saying it’s based on fact?
Yes. In my opinion, the legend is a memory from the distant past.
I hope you find the ruins of Atlantis someday.
Thank you, Jessica. So do I.

Lesson 103


And based on my research, I have become more and more convinced that…
Professor Peacock, are you seriously suggesting that Atlantis was a real place?
If I could just finish…
I mean, what serious scholar believes such nonsense? Isn’t it a bit of a leap…
Could I ask you to hold any questions until I’ve finished?
OK, Professor. I have several, which I’d like you answer fully.
Don’t worry. I will. Now, where was I?

Lesson 171


Now, I’ll take any questions you may have. Yes, Jessica.
Professor Peacock, I’m worried about the future. What do you think will happen to the human race?
If it’s OK with you, could you share your opinion with us?
Certainly. I think the future of the world is bright.
Would you be willing to explain why?
History shows us that people can overcome anything. So please don’t lose hope.
Thank you, Professor. I won’t.

Lesson 181


Hi, Hiromi. What are you reading?
Oh, hi, Professor Fox. It’s a book by Brendan Peacock, the archaeologist. Do you know him?
Well, I know of him. He’s really famous.
Actually, he’s a friend of mine.
Really? How come?
We went to the same high school.
I’m jealous because he’s much more famous than I am.
Well, you’re an excellent English teacher, Professor Fox.
Thank you, Hiromi. I do my best.
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