中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 22 Day 4

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 22 Day 4

Weekly topic

Who is your favorite historical figure?

Vinay’s opinion

I’m a big fan of Mahatma Gandhi.

He fought for freedom for India from Britain.

But he fought for human rights without using any violence.

And because of his efforts, India became an independent country in 1947.

Of course, I have a personal connection to Gandhi because my famis from India.

But I think his ideas are important to people all over the world.

He inspired many people, including Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela.


Vinay is a big fan of Mahatma Gandhi.
He fought for freedom for India. / He fought for freedom for India from Britain.
He inspired many people, including Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela.

Ananda’s opinion

The Mercury 13 were a group of American women who trained to be astronauts in 1960 when the U.S. was trying to put someone in space.

However, there were rules that excluded women from being astronauts.

Even though the women passed all of the same tests as the men, women were not allowed to be astronauts until 1978.

I admire the Mercury 13 women for completing the training even when faced with unfair challenges.

I hope they still inspire people today.


A group of American women who trained to be astronauts in 1960.
They couldn’t become astronauts. / They couldn’t go to space.
In 1978.


Mahatma Gandhi  マハトマ・ガンジー
fight for …  ~のために戦う
violence  暴力
effort  努力
an independent country  独立した国家
have a personal connection to …  ~と共通点がある・個人的なつながりがある
including  ~のような・~を含む
Martin Luther King, Jr. マーチン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア
Nelson Mandela  ネルソン・マンデラ
urge  強く勧める
his followers  彼の追従者・彼を信じる人たち
beat  殴打する
jail  監獄
physical violence  身体的な暴力
fight back  反撃する
protest  抗議する・異議を唱える
astronaut  宇宙飛行士
I admire the Mercury 13 women for completing the training 私はthe Mercury 13の女性たちが訓練を全てやり終えたことを賞賛します。
even when faced with unfair challenges  たとえ(彼女たちが)不当な難題に直面しても
because of their gender  彼女たちの性別を理由として
equal  平等な
they were highly skilled 彼女たちは高い技術を持っている

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