中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 22 Day 1

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 22 Day 1

Weekly topic

Who is your favorite historical figure?


Anna: I love learning about history. I like to think about how people lived in the past.

Carlos: I do, too. Who is your favorite historical figure, Anna?

Anna: Good question, Carlos. I really admire Katsushika Hokusai.

Carlos: He was an artist, wasn’t he?

Anna: Yes, he was. I want to be an artist someday, too. Hokusai is one of the most famous ukiyo-e artists. He created many pictures of the city of Edo and Mount Fuji.

Carlos: Cool. Well, I want to be a writer someday. I think Murasaki Shikibu is really inspiring.

Anna: Why is that?

Carlos: She wrote The Tale of Genji, one of the world’s first novels.

Anna: Wow. That’s amazing.

Carlos: Yeah. Modern historians know a lot about Japanese culture in the Heian period because of her writing. That’s why I think she’s so interesting.

Did you catch it?




because of

Boost your communication skills

Why is that?


guess 推測する
category  カテゴリー、部門別
Hillary Clinton.  ヒラリー・クリントン
Madonna  マドンナ
Rosa Parks  ローザ・パークス(アメリカ公民権運動の活動家)
Eleanor Roosevelt  エレノア・ルーズベルト フランクリン・ルーズベルトの妻
hang on  ちょっと(発言するのを)待って
Anne Sullivan  アン・サリバン(ヘレン・ケラーの家庭教師)
Helen Keller  ヘレン・ケラー
in my childhood  子どもの時に
Shohei Otani  大谷翔平
Darvish Yu  ダルビッシュ有
Max Scherzer  マックス・シャーザー(大リーガー)
Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎
Murasaki Shikibu  紫式部
motivation  動機付け、やる気
traditional one’s  伝統的な物
bloom  花が咲く、花をつける
be in full bloom  完全に開花した状態
encouraged  勇気づけられる
conversational 会話体の、よりくだけた

tora taro