中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 21 Day 4

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 21 Day 4

Weekly topic

What can we do to reduce waste?

Ananda’s opinion

First, I don’t think we need to buy so many new things like clothes and accessories.

If you still like your old clothes, for example, you can wear them for many years.

And if your phone still works, you don’t have to buy the latest model.

Also, it’s good if you can buy things without a lot of packaging.

For example, I buy loose leaf tea and keep it in a large jar.

That way, I don’t need to use paper or plastic every time I make tea.


She doesn’t think we need to buy so many new things. / She doesn’t think we need to buy new clothes and accessories.
It’s good to buy things without a lot of packaging.

Vinay’s opinion

One thing we can do is take our own bottles with us when we buy coffee or other drinks.

Then we don’t have to use and throw away plastic cups.

Many cafes and coffee shops now even give you a discount if you bring your own bottle or mug.

I often do that now.

Plastic straws, which get thrown away, are also bad for the environment.

So, I think it’s better to use reusable metal straws instead of plastic ones.


We can use our own bottles. / We can take our own bottles with us when we buy coffee or other drinks.
They give you a discount.
He thinks reusable metal ones are better than plastic ones.


loose lead tea  ティーバッグに入っていない茶葉
jar  ジャー、広口びん
packet  小さな包み、小包、小箱
mug  マグカップ
straw  ストロー
on average  普通は、平均して
depend on the cafe カフェによる、カフェ次第だ

tora taro