中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 20 Day 3

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 20 Day 3

Weekly topic

What kind of robot would you design?


from the Dialogue

Helen: Thomas, if you designed a new robot, what kind of robot would you make?

Thomas: I would make a big, strong robot that could carry me around. It could bring me to school and take me to other places.

Helen: Like a robot horse?

Thomas: No! I would want to sit inside of it if the weather is bad. And I would want it to be human-shaped. Then, it can walk up and down mountains and things like that. I could go anywhere.

Helen: Cool!

It could bring him to school and take him to other places.
He would want it to be human-shaped.


Helen: Thomas, if you designed a new robot, what kind of robot would you make?

Thomas: I would make a big, strong robot that could carry me around. It could bring me to school and take me to other places.

Helen: Like a robot horse?

Thomas: No! I would want to sit inside of it if the weather is bad. And I would want it to be human-shaped. Then, it can walk up and down mountains and things like that. I could go anywhere.

Helen: Cool! Okay. I would design a robot that designs other robots. I would want it to be a robot-creating robot.

Thomas: What do you mean?

Helen: First, I would tell the robot what I want to do. Next, it would make another robot that could do that.

Thomas: What kinds of things would the robots do?

Helen: Like… my homework!

Thomas: That’s brilliant!

She would design a robot that designs other robots. / She would design a robot to design other robots. / She would design a robot-creating robot.
from the Dialogue

Helen: I would want it to be a robot-creating robot.

She would tell the robot what she wants to do.
from the Dialogue

Helen: First, I would tell the robot what I want to do.

It would make another robot.
from the Dialogue

Helen: Next, it would make another robot that could do that.

from the Dialogue

Helen: I would design a robot that designs other robots. I would want it to be a robot-creating robot.

Thomas: What do you mean?

Helen: Firs, I would tell the robot what I want to do. Next, it would make another robot that could do that.

Thomas: What kinds of things would the robots do?

Helen: Like… my homework!

Thomas: That’s brilliant!

from the Dialogue

Thomas: What kinds of things would the robots do?

Helen: Like… my homework!

Today’s “takeway” phrase!

from the Dialogue

Helen: I would want it to be a robot-creating robot.


an extra question  1つ追加の質問
That’s quite a plan.  それは凄い計画です。
trick  コツ、秘訣
function  機能、働き
instantly  すぐに、即座に
She has a point. 彼女が言っていることは的を得ている。

tora taro