中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 17 Day 5

中高生の基礎英語 in English Topic 17 Day 5

Weekly topicDo you send online greeting cards or paper ones?


Matthew: Hi, Yuki. Where are you going?

Yuki: I’m going to the post office, Matthew. My mom asked me to mail these New Year’s greeting cards.

Matthew: Oh, does your family usually send paper greeting cards?

Yuki: Yes. We usually send a card with a picture of my family and a handwritten note on it. I love receiving paper greeting cards with heartwarming personal messages. They make me happy.

Matthew: Paper greeting cards are nice, but I think online greeting cards are better. Many of my family members live in different areas of the United States and some of them live in other countries. Online cards are more convenient.

Yuki: That’s a good point, but wouldn’t you prefer a card with a personal message?

Matthew: Well, you can add personal messages to online cards. Also, there are a lot of creative and unique options, like adding music.

Yuki: Really? That sounds like fun!

Fuku’s opinion

吹き出し部分は、Miho Momose です。
I like send online cards.
Because online cards are useful and convenient.

So, why do you think so?

If I want to send online greeting cards, I don’t need to spend time.

You don’t need to spend time?

And paper.

Okay. So, when you want to send a card, you can send it right away?

Yes, I can send it right away.

And you don’t need to use paper when you send an online card, right?


Do you send a lot of greeting cards?

Yes. I want to many people… I want to send… many people. And paperless.

Oh, paperless.

Yes. Now, time… now, it’s important.

Ah, paperless is an important idea. Why?

Because I send many people, they receive paper cards. And they throw away papers. It’s not good for the environment.

Ah, that’s a great point. Okay. So, I think…?

So, I think online greeting cards are better.

Okay. You’re ready.

Yes. Thank you.

It’s your turn!



to this  これに対して
pick out …  ~を選ぶ
immediate  さっそくの、即時の
go paperless  ペーパーレスでやっていく
rare  珍しい、滅多にない
effort  努力、骨折り
folder  フォルダ
in my case  私の場合は
closet  クローゼット
bring up …  持ち出す
organized  整理された
lively  活発な、生き生きとした
it’s fun to respond and listen and go back and forth 返事をしたり、聞いたり、(会話が)行ったり来たりすることは面白いです。
I’m not, either.  私もしていません。
None of us is.  私たちの誰もしていません。

tora taro